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    Artist description
    Skip Van Lenten on guitar and vocals, Pete Pizzuti on lead, Julie and Nancy doing harmony, and Lamie Lee on piano.
    Music Style
    acoustic folk, rock, gospel, rhythm and blues, country.
    Musical Influences
    singer-songwriters of the 70's and 80's, Elvis, Jonathan Edwards, Jesse Winchester, Emmylou Harris, Loggins and Messina, James Taylor, Etta James, Aretha Franklin, Rita Coolidge, Bonnie Raitt, and anyone whoever put their heart into a song.
    Similar Artists
    Hard to say....would like your feedback on this one.
    Artist History
    I started playing guitar at the age of 12. My neighbor, the now-famous Richard Carter, was taking guitar lessons every Saturday morning. Over peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches, and glasses of milk, we'd sit in his room and go over some of the things he had learned. He taught me my first chord (E), and my first song (Endless Sleep). Later on, in high school, I formed a folk music trio, "The Countrymen," which won the county talent show, and from then on, I played when I could, and learned a lot of songs that never made it to the radio, but had a lot of meaning to me. I still pick out the songs I want to play based on whether or not I can get behind the music, if not the words. It's all about emotion.
    Group Members
    We don't really have a "band" to speak of...just some friends who get together now and then to play, including, Skip Van Lenten, Pete Pizzuti, Julie Van Lenten, Nancy Diaz, Lamie Lee, and a few anonymous voices on the side.
    Guitars: Yamaha steel string, Washburn, and Matrix by Ovation.
    Rochelle Park, NJ - USA

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