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    Artist description
    I've seen three different types. The small gray ones. They're about three to three and a half feet tall. They have like an upside down pear shaped head, with a pointy chin; large black eyes that wrap around the sides of the head; and very thin bodies,arms like Gumbies, they look like rubbery things. It's not joints kind of like we have. And just very, very thin. Then there's another group that are smaller, maybe two feet high, that wear these burlapy, very rough fabric robes; and have bluish or purplish skin -- very dark skin. Then there's a taller version, with the big eyes that are usually the ones that are involved in the medical procedures. Or if there's any communicating that needs to be done, they're usually the ones that do it.You are going the opposite direction on the freeway.You are miles away from where you last remember and your gas tank is full.You are going down a usual route on the highway and find it took you far longer than it normally does and you have no explanation of it… "missing time".And there's usually some kind of communication is done, during the abduction. I've been shown apocalyptic visions of the destruction of the earth, the results of all our pollution and raping of the planet: floods, fires, disasters of every imaginable kind. I think what they've been showing me are the results of our interference with the natural order in the world. And that's pretty much thematic of the abduction experiences. Being a hypnotist does not make you a therapist, any more than being a therapist makes you a good hypnotist. Intuition and skills in multimodalities make good therapists. Hypnosis can be dangerous. People go into hypnosis every day. An eight million-dollar study was done on how to induce/seduce you, through the TV to buy certain products. Think it doesn’t work? Think again. That is how you know exactly what products to buy at the grocery store.
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    The unveiling began in the late 1980’s with the removal and study of alleged implants from clients. Nightstalkers, I call them. That is what they do. It is not who they are. Check the room for things that don’t belong there…leaves, weeds, grass, seeds (especially if they are of plants that don’t grown in that region). It usually begins with either lights or a humming sound. The room will just be flooded with light. Or there'll be this humming background, humming sound and an almost electrical feeling to the air. And then I'll either begin to feel very, very heavy as if I weighed ten thousand pounds, or frozen, immobilized. At that point, usually these little beings, the grays I described, they'll enter the room. And they'll take me on board a craft. Not always, but most times there's a physical check-up or a procedure that's performed. They have taken semen samples from me. They have implanted devices of unknown purpose and origin into my brain and into my body. The mare’s head hung over the fence gate. The horse was breathing very heavy and in shock. That’s when Beth noticed the vulva and anus totally missing from her horse’s backside.
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    Brooklyn, NY - USA

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