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    Artist description
    Driven is heavy metal. We are friends that like playing music.
    Music Style
    Heavy Metal
    Musical Influences
    Motley Crue, Ozzy, Pantera
    Similar Artists
    Artist History
    Driven was formed in mid 97' We all knew each other for a long time. How Driven came to be was all of us had quit the bands we were in, but we still had a strong interest in music. And as strange as it may seem all of us being as good of friends that we were played all the instruments needed for a metal group. Bryan Adkins "Vocalist/Songwriter of Driven" had been writing a few songs "three of them are on Disgruntled Children" "Dead men tell no tales" "The ones you love" and "Murder of crows" decided he wanted to go to the studio and record them. So he presented the songs to Rob Counts "bassist of Driven". Rob was amazed by the songs and thought that they needed to be heard. So Rob wrote bass to the songs and decided that Josh Burton "Lead guitarist of Driven" Could really give the songs a great edge, so Rob called him up and and he accepted. Josh learned all the songs and added lead guitar to them . Now Driven felt it was time to bring the songs to life , so Bryan Adkins gave Brian Napier "Drummer of Driven" a call and asked him if he was interested and he accepted. Our first practice we played "Dead men tell no tales" and it felt so natural, we just knew there was something special about the music.
    Group Members
    Bryan (Vocals) Rob (Bass) Josh (Guitar) Brian (Drums)
    Disgruntled Children

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