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    Artist description
    2x[H]nt is an experiment reaching back in time to take factors of classic industrial and new wave and fuse it with current technology. Our songs often reflect our views but we do not place ourselves into a box we have to stay in. In other words we write a bout all things, not just those that seem to fit the industrial genre. Our music is a learning experience that is developing and becoming stronger as time passes. I hope you enjoy our songs and stick with us as we develope our skills. ôn
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Front 242, KMFDM, DAF, Front Line Assembly, Cabaret Voltaire, Underworld, Fluke, mdfmk, Pig, Laibach, Cassandra Complex,Gary Numan
    Similar Artists
    Front 242, KMFDM, DAF, Front Line Assembly, Cabaret Voltaire, Underworld, Fluke, mdfmk, Pig, Laibach, Cassandra Complex, Gary Numan
    Artist History
    Originally titled Assorted Noise and consisting only of matia, the first incarnation of 2x[H]nt was a techno project. Everything was done in ReBirth and exported to aiff audio and bruned on cd's. jonas was interested in the project so we formed what is now known as 2x[H]nt. 2x[H]nt was around for a year with the two man line-up (myself and jonas) and then jonas decided he needed time for college. As of now jonas and i have talked about doing more songs together and this time with vocals (i promise an actual recording will surface) but the recording sessions are not planned as of yet. 2x[H]nt has been a great outlet for both of us and we hope to do more with the project in the coming year. i am working on assortednoise a project consisting of sarah blake and of course me
    Group Members
    matia:synth,programing,web design,and some vocals jonas:vocals, artistic design, and some programingB
    Korg MS2000, Korg Electribe ER-1, Korg EX-800, ReBirth, Reason, Cubase 5, samples from all kinds of places
    Deceit (this is a demo of some songs from and other unreleased stuff...send me a line if you are interested in a copy and we can work something out. there is no official pressing nor will i think there will ever be one)
    Press Reviews
    "2x[H]nt is better than Hanson."-DJ Mindwarp of "Audio Assault". Friday's 10 pm est. He was kind enough to feature our song America (in the tear garden) on his radio show.
    San Francisco, CA - USA

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