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    Artist History
    Here is a band that really pours heart and soul into what they do. In the two attempts they have made to venture out on tour, three vans have been lost, not to mention equipment and nerves. But like troopers they have gone on threw snow, sleet, and rain to try and make at least one show. Believe it or not they did make a couple good shows. Hats off to Glass Craft for being the band with the worst luck.
    Group Members
    Alance Ward - Drums; Erik Pritchard - Guitar, Vocals; Stefanie Drootin - Bass, Vocals
    self-titled 7" (1998) self titled CD (1999)
    Press Reviews
    review by Andy Malcolm) Despite the rather folksy bandname, this is nothing of that sort at all. In fact, not even close. Glasscraft is a band on the Sunflower Tribe label (that's the one that is run by some Still Life peeps for anyone non-anally retentive). And the band are playing a rather grand mix of dark indie rock and screamy old school emo. The album opens up on "Shumans Residence" which starts out slightly quirkily and jangly, a little like American Football, but perhaps with more mathy rhythms. The main vocals are from Stefanie, and then as the song develops, Erik takes over and stamps his rather effective screamy / talked style all over them. To draw comparisons, I'm saying it sounds like Shroomunion crossed with Native Nod. Anyone with a modicum of taste in the same vein as mine might see that as quite a combination. It is. At other times, like on the crunchy and scream driven "Colored Procrastination" they remind me more of a band like Embassy, adept at blending the noise and the twinkle into one special track. Most amazing song on here is when they get that Native Nod groove going totally on "Peanut Butter Stick". Eric's desperate vocals recall early Leo, and the moody instrumentation sits well alongside anything that those revolutionaries did. Truly refreshing, and neat to hear people willing to make a record so out of step with current tendencies, yet not stretch to making something unlistenable. The inlay is laser printed, DIY eh? Find this. Rating: 8/10
    Winnetka, CA - USA

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