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    Artist History
    Doland started making music when he had his first out of body experience. After teleporting himself to the wrong destination repeatedly, he decided to give up time travel and try something safer (and something that didn't involve running away from horny monkeys - don't ask). So, once he received three continuous Fs at church organ lessons, he turned to the thing he knew most for inspiration: the back of his hand. He had written a funky beat on the back of his left hand, and he set out to find a way to make it come alive. The neighborhood Voodoo priest had absolutely no answers and, after being served with a restraining order, Doland never visited him again. During his 5-month stay in County Jail for an unrelated occurance, Doland gained two things: 1. An immense desire to produce that haunting beat, and 2. Fourty pounds of solid muscle. When he got out as an anxious 15 year old, he sold everything he owned to buy a dj set, and from then on, every cent he acquired went to feeding his vinyl hunger. He used the laughable amounts of money he earned djing to buy his first drum machine. He was finally able to produce his masterpiece: 4 kick drums with hi hats in between. Years passed and his beats got more complex. He purchased more equipment, less records, and eventually left djing for producing music. He had a long and fruitful career as a graphic designer, got married, contributed to the breeding of 6 daughters, and eventually ended up gambling it all away on martial arts fighting events. Doland now lives with his mother in the projects by the 101 near the East L.A. Interchange where he uses Cubase, an Emu sampler, a bunch of sample CDs, and some actual percussion instruments to make what he refers to as music. As long as he's happy, that's all that matters.
    North Hollywood, CA - USA

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