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Gorf the

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    Artist description
    Gorf the Q is. There is neither rhyme nor reason. Well, maybe rhyme, but not reason... Gorf the Q is a songwriter, a composer, a lecher, a satyr, an artist wannabe and one insane excuse for a human being. He is trying desperately to improve himself, but failing miserably. During the day, when he is not writing music or scaring the neighborhood children, he works at a Fortune 500 company that would rather not associate with him.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Vangelis, Taj Mahal, Stevie Ray, Pink Floyd, Massive Attack, Dust Brothers, Carl Orff, John Williams, AR Rahman, Lalgudi Jayaraman, N Ramani..... a whole bunch of really unrelated people.....just everything he's ever heard
    Similar Artists
    This is just nuts.... Why would I want to sound like anyone else ?
    Artist History
    Gorf has had a long history of musical training. Unfortunately, it didn't work. All of the Gorf's training has been in the field of Carnatic music, the South Indian Classical style. He could have become very good at the bamboo flute, but he threw his talent out the window and decided he hated the life of monophony (synonymous with monotony). He promptly decided to watch people play keyboards, guitars, drums and picked up a less than passable knowledge of these instruments. Meanwhile, the Gorf's life was being forced in other directions. He completed (with great difficulty) an undergraduate degree in engineering and surprisingly, went on to an Ivy League school for a Masters. Inspite of all of these distractions, the Gorf found time to be jealous of other people and hone his own skills in the art of songwriting. He has been associated with Grammy award-winning artists like TH "Vikku" Vinayakram (Planet Drums). He's also been a professional sound engineer for as long as studios can remember. The Gorf brings an interesting mix of sounds to the table. Having been trained in the art of South Indian Classical music for so long, those influences are unmistakable in his work. Being the fan that he is of popular western forms of music, he doesn't quite allow himself to be too Indian, or too classical. All in all, he tends to fight with himself over his own music. He is a guy in deep $#!+ with himself.
    Group Members
    The Q has collaborated with a great many people inthe past, but he has always been his own man. His principal associates have always been his greatest teachers... There are too many to list
    Gorf the Q plays a little keyboards, a little guitar, a little of the drums, a little flute, very little violin and a lot of the fool... Current setup includes a large collection of bamboo flutes, a Fender Strat, a Washburn solidbody with twin humbuckers, a Samick hollowbody with two humbuckers, a Tansen (Indian made) with three single coils and Gibson Les Paul Smartwood. For effects, a Digitech Studio S100, two Zoom 505s, a Digitech RP 300 and a Pod v2.0. Also a Korg N264, Kurzweil K2vx, a Yamaha SY22, Korg TR-Rack, Emu Proteus 3/WORLD and a Yamaha QY20. All of this stuff talks to a computer through a MIDIMan 8x8/s USB MIDI interface. It also goes through a Mackie 1604 VLZ mixer and a MIDIMan Flying Cow A/D-D/A converter to a M-Audio Soundcard in the computer. Various software packages complete the deal.... Miscellaneous microphones and cables abound
    Austin, Texas - USA

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