David T. Chastain's Riffology Artist Info Home
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David T. Chastain's

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    Artist description
    Riproaring, headbanging rhythm guitar, bass and drum tracks on Wicked Riffss. On 7 String Itch it is just 7 string guitar and drums.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Sabbath, Maiden, Priest, Dio, etc.
    Similar Artists
    Sabbath, Maiden, Priest, Dio, etc.
    Artist History
    Riffology is the rhythm sections tracks to some of my released and unreleased songs. What that means is this music is just the rhythm guitars and drums. On Wicked Riffs there is also bass guitar. No lead vocals or lead guitars to take away from the songs. I am sure I am not the only one who has heard a song somewhere a long the way and said 'Boy that would be a cool song if the vocals didn't ruin it.' Don't get me wrong. I am not saying that some of the tracks which later had vocals added to them are inferior songs. The few that have been released subsequent to these tracks are just different. I stumbled upon this tape recently. Wicked Riffs was originally recorded in 92 and 93, this tape was what was used when we auditioned vocalist for a band I was trying to put together around that time. I think these tracks stand up well in this format and it is an enjoyable bit of music when you just want to headbang away!! The 7 String Itch tracks are from an upcoming Cd we are working on and are pretty damn heavy with the 7 String Guitar!N
    Group Members
    David T. Chastain-guitar, bass and drum machine programming. Mike Haid drums on 7 String Itch∏
    Guitar, bass, drums and drum machine
    Wicked Riffs, 7 String Itch
    Press Reviews
    Too many to mention. Go to for press quotes.4
    Additional Info
    No vocals or lead guitars!
    Tyrone, GA - USA

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