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Corrupted Ambition

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    Artist description
    This is what you have been waiting for, I'm sure of it. If you haven't been waiting very long, you are lucky. There are some people who have been awake for years, dreaming of the day this reality would appear to them. They might have killed themselves had this coalition not come along at the exact moment at which it did. To start out the description, here is how we make noise: We each have stolen a different animals voicebox and integrated it with our own human larynxes for the most diverse range of vocal stylings you could expect from hybrid monstrosities. You have probably never even heard rap music made by monstrosities, so this will be your perfect opportunity, and I rcommend you take full advantage, downloading as many different tracks from as many different computers as possible. The other artist you should listen to is magnum 44, also from madison. Back to the description and the animal larynxes. The way this event transpired was described by Bill Nye five years ago during a dry ice cloud forming experiment for added visual effects while we sat in the background rolling up gigantic spleefs. Mr. Nye was so stoned he couldn't think for himself and will now deny that the following ever happened, but anyway: we fed him computer algorithms in order to make him operate at a human level.Thank you
    Music Style
    hillbilly hoedown stylings
    Musical Influences
    you figure it out
    Similar Artists
    Nelly, Shyne, Tupac, Puff Daddy, jay-Z, DMX, just kidding
    Artist History
    We have existed in separate forms since as early as 1980, when our first member was born, others came to life soon after and proceeded to grow into adult human beings. We are like most human beings but our ambition is corrupted and we think we can rap. Maybe you think so, in the year 2000 the group was truly formed as we sat down drunk and stoned trying to figure out a name for our crew. Next we recorded a theme song, which is or will be posted soon. TO BE RELEASED IN JANUARY 2002: CAC DOUBLE LP, DESIGNED TO DECLINE and CAC VS. EVERYONE
    Group Members
    Broton Thompson-beats and lyrics, Dr. Chronic-lyrics, MC Karl-lyrics, soon cuts, MC Doug Chapman-lyrics, soon cuts, Sobriety-lyrics Observe-lyrics Dyslexicon-lyrics MC Luke-lyrics Sky High-lyrics
    magical noise boxes and ghoulish vocal projection machines
    every album ever made by anyone, we have been a part of
    Press Reviews
    New York Times Book Review-Obscure images and unknown references cataloged alongside ridiculous music you will never find anywhere excepting Wisconsin, extraordinary!!! I recommend you take advantage of these free tracks for no CDs can be purchased yet
    Additional Info
    free grapes for everyone who listens, send a SASE to the address on the screen or e-mail me and electronically forward twenty bucks, liability for the grape's damage goes to the postal service, not us, so you won't get your money back.
    Madison, Wisconsin - USA

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