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    Artist description
    Heavy, Melodic, and Twisted! :)
    Music Style
    Raw Thick bottom End, Melody , Dissonance
    Musical Influences
    Blast, Black Sabbath, King Crimson, Rush, Black Flag and way too many to list.
    Similar Artists
    Chowder :)
    Artist History
    The beginnings of Chowder goes back to the late 80's when I met Rich at some local hardcore shows. We formed some bands that didn't last long or do too much but always wanted to get something together. I joined the doom metal band Revelation on bass and Rich started singing in Sowers of Dischord with Chad Rush on drums. Rich and I still talked about doing something and Chad expressed interest in forming a side band. So anyway, we wrote a couple of songs and nothing really happened until a few years later. Revelation and Sowers both disbanded around the same time. I went on to play with Unorthodox (where I learned allot about guitar playing) and those guys reformed under the name Logic Bomb. At this time we decided to get a little more serious and went into Falling Sound studios under the name Spectre to record a four song tape with me on guitar and Rich's brother Steve Newberger on bass. After we were done we went back to our other bands until I got kicked out and they broke up (the aforementioned details will remain a mystery to all.....Including us!) Chad and I started writing material again about two years later in 1996 which lead to Joe Ruthvin joining us on bass for a year or so and a couple of demos.Then we languished. Joe left the band to play for Earthride and Chad and I remained determined to make our project work, now called Chowder (for some reason).Eventually I got back in contact with Rich who had been talking to Steve about getting Spectre back together and so far things have just fallen into place. As we talked about the future and history of our musical careers we came to the conclusion that this is the only band we all feel 100% about because the songs incorporate everything we like , raw thick bottom end, melody , dissonance and challenging compositions(for us anyway!) So for what it's worth we're here. -Josh
    Group Members
    Chad Drums - Steve Bass - Josh Guitar - Rich Vocals
    Drums, Bass, Guitars, Moogs, Keyboards and Human Voices
    Baltimore, Maryland - USA

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