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    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    joni mitchell, joan baez, ani difranco, bob dylan, the roches, the beatles, rasputina, moxy fruvous, jefferson airplane, art garfunkel, jeff buckley, jon anderson, george harrison
    Similar Artists
    joan baez, joni mitchell, rasputina, ani difranco, jeff buckley
    Artist History
    after several years of being everybody's backup singer (steve friday, tommy grasso, meghan cary, etc.), scribbling songs in the dark of her apartment, praying that no one was listening, melinda klump has decided to come out into the light and admit she's a songwriter. she has finished recording her debut album, which should be ready later this year on her own label, eyeball man records. melinda lives in northampton, massachusetts with her husband, paul, and their cat, dorrie.
    Group Members
    melinda beasi- vocals and guitar, james jacobs- cello, bass, recorder, katie mcentee- backing vocals, ralph grasso- drums on "i don't think you know", robert derby- bass and guitars on "i don't think you know"
    guitar, voice, cello, bass, recorder, drums (well, once)
    dorrie's true story (coming soon)
    Press Reviews
    Melancholy, brooding, droning...these words waft up while you're digging Melinda Klump's voice, chanting lightly over lyrics like "we walk down the street/two blocks seem like twenty (from All Over Again)." Klump cites Jeff Buckley as one of her influences--not surprising. The dark cello, too, moans like a drowning maiden, adding more dissonant color to her vignettes. Portishead, while 180 degrees opposite of Klump, elicits similar emotions: You want to save the character, the anti-heroine brought to life, but you know the she has to--and doesn't want to--save herself. She's married to sadness. Even as she sings "hello laughter/hello light filling the sky (from 'Goodbye')," you're not completely convinced. In her imaginary landscapes, maybe once there was a Shangri-La, but it seems she's lost her way back. She's mourning. She's asking for your help, or maybe she's just asking you to listen. Klump consumes, captivates and puts words to your moodiness. -- Jianda Johnson, Women of ************ Reviewing Dorrie-Actual "name" Melinda-Pretty voice and songs---Only two up on site-So I downloaded them both-Nice morning music---Oh Melinda Klump-Your song so sweetly whispers-Acoustic beauty---"She Waits For Him"...sigh-This song is truly tender-Not pop but better---You create true art-"Goodbye" rings so personal-This song is feeling--- Brendan Avery, Haiku Reviews *************** and finally, you gotta listen to the very talented: Melinda Klump- i can hold the ocean... Melinda's a folk artist and my god, does she ever have a beautiful voice. Put that together with lovely poetic lyrics and you can dream away all day... uh, let me put this another way: Melinda sings- Poetry soothes heart- once hurt- does not now- feel so alone- Thanks Dorrie- Haiku heals. -- DDS, NOMAD Hit Picks *************** Melinda Klump bears resemblance to Suze, the chestnut haired girl on Dylan's arm for the sleeve of The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan record. Her voice is an amalgamation of all the female folk singers in her record collection. With the most beautiful Snow White inflections, her voice's natural tremolo is like the flutter of angel's wings. Her self-penned, dreamy folk songs are poetic, moody, and moving beyond tangibility. Her guitar is her sole accompaniment, as warm and delicate as her ethereal voice. The perfect soundtrack for the downward spiral and drowning of Ophelia. --- Eric Shea,
    Additional Info
    pictures are by kevin quigley
    Northampton, MA - USA

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