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    Artist description
    Dynamic rock and pop from Brighton UK.
    Music Style
    Rock and Pop
    Artist History
    The seeds for the band Ostend were sown in 1997 when belgian guitarist Gilles Haumont, moved to Brighton UK with a few original songs under his belt and a lot of enthusiasm and started advertising in the local press for musicians. "Experience not essential, commitment a must" ran his advert. Soon he had a lively four piece band and a first gig booked at Brighton's best known live venue for up and coming bands The Freebutt. Unfortunately as the date of the first gig loomed the band had not yet found a lead singer and in desperation they came clean to the proprietor of The Freebutt who promptly introduced them to acclaimed professional local singer David Stringer, who after several years of intensive gigging around the Brighton's pub and club circuit as part of a popular duo was taking time off from the strenuous schedule. David and the band immediately slotted together and this first gig was such a success that the band was selected out of the hundreds of bands that play at the The Freebutt to promote the venue at Brighton's largest annual festival the Gay Pride. There the band was cheered by 10's of thousand of onlookers as they played for over two hours perilously perched atop The Freebutt's float as it paraded through the streets whilst their unfortunate drummer was slowly being axphysiated by the fumes from the generator unwittingly placed just behind him!There followed a very hectic time for the band, then called Black Sheep as first a second lead vocalist, Jordan Adams, long standing friend of David, and then a keyboard player joined the band swelling it to a seven piece carving for themselves a place on the Brighton live circuit in the late 1990's. In early 2000, Jordan Adams sadly suffered a severe illness and the band took a break from playing live, downsized and took this unforseen and unfortunate opportunity to team up with local producer Jim Bryan to record the abundance of original material they had accumulated over the previous few years. At this time the band also dropped the name Black Sheep which they felt mis-represented their particular brand of melodic pop and rock and renamed themselves Ostend, after songwriter Gilles Haumont's hometown.
    Group Members
    Gilles Haumont - Guitars (Music and Lyrics),David Stringer - Lead Vocals, Jordan Adams - Lead Vocals, Jim Bryan - Bass, Keyboards, Programming (Producer)
    Brighton, East Sussex - United Kingdom

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