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Love Lies

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    Artist description
    A curiously strong acoustic-rock band from Ann Arbor, Michigan that will soothe you and groove you. L
    Music Style
    Acoustic Pop
    Musical Influences
    the Beatles, Indigo Girls, Simon & Garfunkel, Led Zeppelin, the Doors
    Similar Artists
    Fleetwood Mac
    Artist History
    It all started with a flyer... Formed last year in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Love Lies Dreaming consists of five musicians who all strive to create interesting, accessible new music. Their acoustic rock sound has been compared to Fleetwood Mac, yet it maint ains a freshness and originality missing from much of the corporate music promoted today. Band members Andrew McFinton (vocals, acoustic rhythm guitar), Jennifer McFinton (vocals, cello), Brian Wrenn (acoustic lead guitar), Lorin Burgess (bass, back-up v o cals), and Steve Petrinko (drums, back-up vocals) all are talented musicians in their own right. But when these complete strangers came together last spring, there was an instant explosion of their individual talent that grew into this amazing entity c al led Love Lies Dreaming. During those first rehearsals the band members all shared an instinctive understanding of where their music could go if they decided to take it there. So they ran with it. And now, a year later, they have refined their sound into something so strong and real that no one can deny that they're good. Really good. Their music is like listening to classic rock n' roll, except that it's happening now, not 30 years ago. It's familiar, but you can't put your finger on why it is. You can hear their influences: the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, the Indigo Girls, the Doors, and even Led Zeppelin, here and there, but their sound is all their own. They own it. They created it. Their lyrics have meaning, their music has melody and you wa lk away from their shows thinking, "life's pretty cool, let's do that again". They play like they want you to connect. With them. With yourself. When you listen to their music you feel like you are where you want to be. You are who you want to be. Ha ving a good time. Love and music, and that's enough. Love Lies Dreaming is currently completing their first album. Check out their web page, for more information and nifty pictures.
    Group Members
    Andrew McFinton (vocals, acoustic rhythm guitar)Jennifer McFinton (vocals, cello)Brian Wrenn (acoustic lead guitar)Lorin Burgess (bass, back-up vocals)Steve Petrinko (drums, back-up vocals)ˇ
    Acoustic guitars, bass, drums, cello
    Press Reviews
    Hey, we'll be making headlines soon!
    Ann Arbor, MI - USA

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