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The Emanuele

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    Artist description
    Three men and a lady don costumes in their crusade to prove that one man (or band) CAN make a difference. Thwarted by such nemesises as the flip-flop wearing Matt and his sidekick, Dan the Analog Dinosaur, the four record powerful pop songs digitally through a desktop computer. The band hates to be put into a category and incorporates influences from various genres into their work. There is no set bassist or guitarists or whatever in the band, but the members switch off as they see fit for each particular song. This helps to add to the variety among their various musical compositions.
    Music Style
    Pop Rock that draws from metal, electronic, blues, classical, rap, country, and more
    Musical Influences
    David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Depeche Mode, Queen
    Similar Artists
    We forge a sound all our own!
    Artist History
    Young Victor Vatore discovered at an early age that he had been endowed with certain superhuman musical and lyrical gifts. When his mother remarried, he soon learned that his new half brother, Frank Forbes, had similar genetic pecularities. They began to write songs, first with Vatore simply playing chords on piano and singing a melody as Frank kept rhythm on the drums. The two eventually discovered that guitars would allow them a means of expression second only to their voices. The two had a short-lived stint as a professional wrestling tagteam where they met a couple other losing wrestlers who happened to be musicians as well. The four decide to form a band where they could switch instruments and converting their old wrestling outfits into stage costumes. Joseph Sperling of Eyesore Records discovered them playing at a local talent show. Thus the Superheroes of Rock were born!
    Group Members
    The Rhythm Ranger Musician X The Melodic Minister Professor Percussion and Special members and Friends:Sacred Soprano,Earthman and Mater Emanuele
    Vocals,guitars, bass, drums, keyboards, abacus synthesizer, and other synths
    Time for Christmas
    Pittsburgh, PA - USA

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