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    Artist description
    Flowmotion crosses nearly every musical genre in their original songs and extended jams. They touch on funk, folk, reggae, Latin, jazz, bluegrass, and even traditional African tribal grooves. Flowmotion focuses primarily on original songs that uplift your spirit and your soul. You can get a taste of the many styles they flirt with by looking at the variety of musicians they cover, including Paul Simon, Phish, Talking Heads, James Brown, Jerry Garcia, Bob Marley and Ben Harper.
    Music Style
    A homegrown mix of funk, groove and tribal composed and free-form jams. Crossing many musical genres including folk, reggae, rock, bluegrass, and world tribal groove.
    Musical Influences
    Pink Floyd, Santana, Bob Marley, Phish, moe., Sublime, Decendants
    Similar Artists
    Phish, String Cheese Incident, Widespread Panic, Bela Fleck, Ben Harper, Funk, Jam, Tribal, Groove
    Artist History
    Flowmotion has grown out of the great Pacific Northwest and the beautiful San Juan Islands. It all began when guitarist Josh Clauson, drummer Colby Styles and some FlowMo friends jammed their way into the world famous San Juan Island Jazz Festival, playing at a local bistro for the weekend. The faithful locals, being overwhelmed by jazz music, were hungry for some meaty funk, which these guys provided. It wasn't long before Jesse Kansanbach, Beau Borrero, and Jason Holden joined in and Flowmotion was immediately a local favorite, playing gigs all over Northwest Washington in just a few short months. Within a year these guys have toured Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and parts of Canada, playing hotspots like Sun Valley, Seattle, and San Juan Island's Summer Meltdown. Keep your eyes out, Flowmotion will be in your neighborhood very soon.
    Group Members
    Josh Clauson - drums, vocals, percussion; Jessie Kansanback - bass, vocals, percussion; Colby Styles - drums, vocals, percussion; Jason Holden - guitar, vocals, djembe; Beau Borrero - conga, vocals, djembe
    Electric and acoustic guitars, bass, drum set, djembe, conga, keyboard, percussion and hand drums
    Self Titled
    Press Reviews
    "Flowmotion displays it's progressive, groove laden fusion of rock, ska and latin funk with a twist of bluegrass to an overpacked Father John's crowd, downtown Bellingham." -Aaron Crabtree, The Western Front "Thank you, Flowmotion for making positive, feel good music again!" -The Independent Though Journal "Flowmotion jammed their unique grooverock, funky reggae to a full house at Cafe Amore." -Arlington Times
    Seattle, WA - USA

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