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    Artist description
    Right now this is a one man band. I am looking for others to help me make something great. Please visit my web site to find out more.
    Music Style
    Artist History
    My little musical history When I was a kid growing up I was lucky enough to have parents who would let me pursue my interest in music. I mean really lucky, my parents loaned me money for my first bass and my grandparents loaned me money for my first amp. I still have that amp today I got in 1975, a 100 watt Peavy Century powering a 15" JBL speaker in the original cabinet. I also got to play the trombone in elementary school. I was in a few bands during high school and after. For a time, 2 other friends and I came as close as I've come to a band like I want to have. We were a power trio and played half originals and half covers. We had some really great songs that were all positive in nature. Well this was in 1986 and I was 26. You know the story. The singer leaves to get married and, well, by this time in my life I said, crap, I've tried and tried and always get let down by flaky musicians. I decided to finish my education and become an engineer.At the time I decided to bail on trying and making a music career and focus on education I found out my 2 year technical degree wouldn't transfer too many credits so 2 years of full time work by day and 2 years of night school began. I was lucky again, and was able to live with my parents and save money so I could take 2 years off and get my 4-year degree.For anyone out there who needs re-enforcement, get your bloody 4-year degree. It makes so much difference. We can't all be stars or win the lottery. That 4-year degree is your ticket to success. It's never to late. Get motivated. If you don't know what you want to do, try anything technical. If you like it and get that 4-year degree in something technical then, today in the year 2001, you're golden!I attended WWU and still played my bass and guitar on my own for fun. I had started riding and racing mountain bikes big time and became simply addicted to the sport. I raced hard for 5 years then focused hard on having fun in my bike. Racing is so much fun, but to be fast, you've got to really focus, train and suffer. I still race, but not like a savage. Well to end this little story for now, over the last 3 years I've started writing and attempting to make music again. For me, it's really great to be way out in the woods or on top of a mountain riding, whistling, humming and singing. Riding is such good therapy. It's so sweet that today, we aren't dependent on a big corporation to get our own ideas and songs out there using the Internet. Funny, when I was a kid Pong was high tech. Now teenagers have digital studios at home. Ha, I bet some of you don't know or remember what Pong is? Criminy, it was so exiting in 1983 that the Commadore 64 had a built in synthesizer.Please check out my web site for more details on what my current goals are and some more history and links.
    Group Members
    Jim Tagart
    Bellingham, Washington - USA

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