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    Artist description
    ME ALONE IN MY STUDIO bio Gary Matthews is a songwriter singer who started out singing pop songs written by other writers. Until 1990 he says I took a songwriting class .and was impressed with all the different styles and the way sounds are written. I was fascinated by the endless ways you can write song. after the class I would sit down and try my hand at writing songs . I found it to be interesting and a lot of fun. If you can laugh at yourself in what you do the teacher said then the joy will be put into the song. Gary write songs in his own studio. and has become popular on writing songs he says is a way to relax and let myself go into the the other world of music. I hope you enjoy the message in each song you hear written from my heart to yours. Gary Matthews. AND VOICE
    Music Style
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    Artist History
    bio Gary Matthews is a songwriter singer who started out singing pop songs written by other writers. Until 1990 he says I took a songwriting class .and was impressed with all the different styles and the way sounds are written. I was fascinated by the endless ways you can write song. after the class I would sit down and try my hand at writing songs . I found it to be interesting and a lot of fun. If you can laugh at yourself in what you do the teacher said then the joy will be put into the song. Gary write songs in his own studio. and has become popular on writing songs he says is a way to relax and let myself go into the the other world of music. I hope you enjoy the message in each song you hear written from my heart to yours. Gary Matthews.
    Group Members
    bio Gary Matthews is a songwriter singer who started out singing pop songs written by other writers. Until 1990 he says I took a songwriting class .and was impressed with all the different styles and the way sounds are written. I was fascinated by the endless ways you can write song. after the class I would sit down and try my hand at writing songs . I found it to be interesting and a lot of fun. If you can laugh at yourself in what you do the teacher said then the joy will be put into the song. Gary write songs in his own studio. and has become popular on writing songs he says is a way to relax and let myself go into the the other world of music. I hope you enjoy the message in each song you hear written from my heart to yours. Gary Matthews. GARY MATTHEWS
    Press Reviews
    bio Gary Matthews is a songwriter singer who started out singing pop songs written by other writers. Until 1990 he says I took a songwriting class .and was impressed with all the different styles and the way sounds are written. I was fascinated by the endless ways you can write song. after the class I would sit down and try my hand at writing songs . I found it to be interesting and a lot of fun. If you can laugh at yourself in what you do the teacher said then the joy will be put into the song. Gary write songs in his own studio. and has become popular on writing songs he says is a way to relax and let myself go into the the other world of music. I hope you enjoy the message in each song you hear written from my heart to yours. Gary Matthews. LOCAL CHURCH ETC.
    Additional Info
    DuPont, CO - USA

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