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    Artist description
    33 year old Joe Renzetti is a 11 year veteran of electronic music. Joe was born in Columbus Ohio and currently resides there. The music is electronic based & largely influenced by dark brooding sounds reminiscent of the Gothic scene of the 80's & 90's. Joe's a self-taught guitarist, keyboardist, bassist, singer, & sound designer. He produces all his own music, under the name of Ax Nyslie, as well as perform all of the music parts himself. He tends to avoid looped phrases or factory presets common in the more "teched-out" computer generated music. This gives his work a more natural human sound that breathes life in a flowing musical manner.In addition to music, Joe is also a certified Apple Product Professional and an accomplished Webdesigner.
    Music Style
    ambient minimalist
    Musical Influences
    Brian Eno, Pink Floyd, Dead Can Dance, Vangelis
    Similar Artists
    Vidna Obmana, Brian Eno, Steve Roach, Swans
    Group Members
    Joe Renzetti
    Keyboards, Guitar, Bass, Vocals, Programming
    Discovery, Talking To The Dead, Remnants of Zen
    Press Reviews
    "This Concept album is meant to be "a soundtrack of the spiritual dreamscape inspired by true and fictional stories of contact with the supernatural spirit world." The mostly instrumental music is excellently crafted, and I enjoy the song "2000" with the amusing falsetto vocals singing "in the year 2000" (like on Late Night with Conan O'Brien) against creepy textures. Talking To The Dead is more than just a beautifully dark exploration of sound, it also contains actual recordings of ghosts from investigations by paranormal research groups. Pretty cool, and well worth seeking out."---OUTBURN MAGAZINE---"Dark, luscious, deep drumming, melodic undertones, paranormal sound sampling, great programming, enticing mello lyrics on title track of a tale of a man's attempt to contact a spirit which went terribly wrong. Powerful, tormenting, unsettling and deliciously evoking the other side of our understanding those dark issues some try to mimic in music."---LAST SIGH MAGAZINE---"Joe's a master at capturing moods. In both his available ambient works, he shows a unique capability to be true to the mood and environment he's trying to convey."---MARCUS PAN, LEGENDS MAGAZINE---"One of the most talented and inspirational artists has to offer"---KYNDRED PROMOTIONS---"I will say I am impressed and your song Lalurie made my hair stand on end like no other artist has done before!! Best wishes to you!"---MIKE V, NMA HIDDEN SANCTUARY---"Integrated into it?s overall tone and message, is a great composition, performed well. It has a very interesting sound worth listening to many times."---BOB PORRI, MP3ARTISTARCHIVE.COM
    Columbus, OH - USA

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