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    Artist description
    Influenced by many, copying none, complex arranged melodic Powermetal
    Music Style
    Melodic Power Metal
    Musical Influences
    Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Mercyful Fate, Metallica
    Similar Artists
    Artist History
    Founded in autumn 1990, when the great time of Powermetal had long passed, even the days of Thrash were already counted. It was hard to find musicians, who were willing to play such a oldfashioned music. Markus and Martin had already played together for several years, the most renown band: THE IMMORTAL, with which they almost got an record deal with legendary US Metal Records, almost. Andrzej had recorded a LP with the polish band Korba and lived as a professional musician in Poland. From the beginning, we did do the songwriting in our own way. To be influenced by other bands is okay, but several, different influences should be mixed, so you donīt end up as a copy of one band. After rehearsing half a year with a drumcomputer (which was hard, but improved tightness a lot), in Summer 1990 the line-up of the first demo was established. After recording Hearken now! several local gigs were played. But there were some personal animosities within the rythm section and both departed in summer 1992.Again it took itīs time to complete the line-up, but at last in the summer 1993 the band was ready to play again. The second demo was recorded (due to lack of money in our own rehearsalroom), some gigs played and even a videoclip was done. A friend of ours studied Mediascience and had both knowledge and access to almost professional equipment. The video turned out nicely, but never had any airplay.
    Group Members
    Michael Achenbach - vox Stefan Apel - bass & keyboard Bernhard Reuss - drums Martin Redieske - guitar Markus Uelhoff - guitar
    drums, bass , guitars
    Hearken Now - Demo, Not for trendy ears - Demo, Total demolition - CD compilation
    Siegen, Nordrhein Westfalen - Germany

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