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    Artist description
    - The so-called "Beautiful Noise" scene which sprouted up in Arizona in the early '90s, produced a small core of bands who played ethereal, guitar-heavy space-rock. Phoenix-based Alison's Halo, used their love of British groups like My Bloody Valentine, House of Love, Catherine Wheel, Ride, The Verve, Lush, and Slowdive, as inspiration to create their own unique brand of noisy space-pop.
    Music Style
    - beautiful noise pop
    Musical Influences
    - reverb & delay
    Similar Artists
    - my bloody valentine, house of love, catherine wheel, slowdive, lush, half string, verve, astrobrite, six string malfunction
    Artist History
    - Alison's Halo was formed in Tempe, Arizona in late 1992 by Catherine Cooper (vocals, guitar), Adam Cooper (guitar), David Rogers (bass), and Roger Brogan (drums). Shortly after formation, the band began playing national shows withThe Verve, Boo Radleys, Medicine, and other like-minded outfits. In 1995, the Dozen single was released on Independent Project Records. Withe the positive buzz surrounding the single, the band left Arizona to tour the west coast. Festivals and industry showcases followed as Alison's Halo further honed their skills. 1998 saw the release of Eyedazzler 1992-1996 on Michigan's Burnt Hair record label. More like a sonic time capsule than a proper album, Eyedazzler 1992-1996 from Arizona's Alison's Halo, is a collection of recorded output taken from demos, home studio recordings, and live shows. Comparisons with British dream-popsters Lush are inevitable, but Alison's Halo are quite capable of standing their own ground. Although recorded on two, four, eight track cassette portastudios, the songs on Eyedazzler 1992-1996 sound majestic. Catherine Cooper's smooth, childlike voice provides the perfect counter to the non-stop bombast of electric guitars, creating a frail balance that is at once intriguing and beautiful, but never awkward. As the album reaches its second half, the tempos get slower and the mood becomes increasingly dark; the seven and a half minute "Slowbleed" begs to be listened to on a rainy Sunday afternoon. With their plush wall of distortion and reverb-drenched vocals, the bands memerizing sound has a strange way of either lulling you to sleep or pummeling you into submission.
    Group Members
    - catherine (vocals, guitars) adam (guitars, loops, vocals) dave (bass) roger (drums)
    - eyedazzler
    chicago, il - USA

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