Artist description
"You can construct an imitation, manufacture a product and infect the populace with it. They'll digest it as if it's the real thing. There exists a culture that understands, that feels what surrounds them. Reality is obvious and necessary." . .: ::.. :::..:. .: ..::: ..:: :. . "This will make you feel. Some will feel nothing and elect resistance. This world, this environment; soothing and effectual. Communicates strength and insight, vulnerability." . .: ::.. :::..:. .: ..::: ..:: :. . "Music makes you want to fuck, it makes you violent, it can paralyze you. If you feel it, if it makes you feel, if you allow it inside. Resistance and allowance for ideas of beauty and depression, isolation." . .: ::.. :::..:. .: ..::: ..:: :. . "Words, just words." . .: ::.. :::..:. .: ..::: ..:: :. . "This is real." |
Group Members
Corey Folta . vocals, guitars .: ..::: . Roxanne Mustafa . guitars, noise.: ..: . Jasmine Mustafa . bass, mud .: ..::: . Charles Weitman . drums |
Product |
New York, New York - USA |
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