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    Artist description
    "Delta 88 are an excellent, soulfully refined trio from Ann Arbor, Mich., who paint a different picture of Roots music by mining the soul of classic Folk and Country instead of painting a "yee-haw" caricature. The band's self-titled album is an exceptional acoustic effort, showcasing the wonderfully melodic sensibilities of singer/songwriter Danny Kline. With a very minimal, nearly simple presentation the group is able to convey songs that ring with the timelessness of the greats who've influenced them." Mike Breen, Cincinnati City Beat
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Springsteen (Nebraska), Radiohead, Nina Simone, Merle Haggard
    Similar Artists
    Johhny Cash, Robert Earl Keen, Springsteen (Nebraska)
    Artist History
    "An excellent, soulfully refined trio, who paint a different picture of roots music by mining the soul of classic folk and country," says the Cincinnati City Beat of Delta 88. The Ann Arbor Observer describes frontman Danny Kline's songwriting as "spare, haunting marvels that are given flight by some terrific, understated, yet thoroughly original music." "Their live performances," raves the Wood County (Ohio) Sentinel Tribune, "always prove to be the perfect combination of raw emotion, polished arrangements, and music that has honesty and integrity." Delta 88's fresh approach to Americana began to take shape when Danny Kline, guitarist Alex Anest, and bassist John Sperendi formed the group in 1998. The band's 2000 release, Delta 88, gained instant international acclaim, appearing on playlists across America, as well as Europe, and Australia. "There's a lot of promise in this album," Folk Roots writes. "It's a strong debut." Spanish magazine Jambalaya praises the record's "relaxed atmosphere and delicate textures, almost unknown in the world of American roots music." Massimo Ferro of Italy's Radio Voce Spazio notes the recording's "high grade of maturity and personality." From its Ann Arbor home base, Delta 88 has built a following on a circuit that spans the Midwest, and stretches as far as New York and Tennessee. Nashville's The Bluebird has welcomed Delta 88, as well as North by Northeast in Toronto, Vic's Music Corner in Rockville, MD, Dayton Ohios Canal Street Tavern, Schubas in Chicago, Newport Kentuckys Southgate House, and The Ark in Ann Arbor. Danny's songs spring from years spent on the American road, sometimes on motorcycle, sometimes as a hitch-hiker. Along the way, he's held jobs as a carpenter, butcher, mechanic, photographer, and teacher. Delta 88 is currently in the studio, recording their second album.
    Group Members
    Danny Kline; Vocals, guitar Alex Anest; Guitar, lap steel John Sperendi; Bass
    Guitar, Bass, Voice
    Delta 88
    Press Reviews
    "Ann Arbor, Mich., is the home for this superior Americana trio... Building from a solid foundation of mostly acoustic picking- often with a vaguely classical air- Delta 88 construct slowly unfolding narratives low on hooks but high on dramatic impact. Bandleader Danny Kline has touches of Mark Eitzel and Neil Young in his songwriting, but his voice is light and pretty and his songs are spare and fragile, like lovely sculptures made of twigs and dried leaves." Noel Murray, Nashville Scene "Delta 88 are an excellent, soulfully refined trio from Ann Arbor, Mich., who paint a different picture of Roots music by mining the soul of classic Folk and Country instead of painting a "yee-haw" caricature. The band's self-titled album is an exceptional acoustic effort, showcasing the wonderfully melodic sensibilities of singer/songwriter Danny Kline. With a very minimal, nearly simple presentation the group is able to convey songs that ring with the timelessness of the greats who've influenced them." Mike Breen, Cincinnati City Beat "Soulful and sweet, introspective and poetic...Delta 88 aims for integrity..." Shawn Personke, Ann Arbor News "Like the musicians themselves, their live performances always prove to be the perfect combination of raw emotion, polished arrangements, and an honesty and integrity in the music the others can only hope to imitate." Adam Dudding, Wood County Sentinel-Tribune "...three diverse personalities come together to create this rootsy sonic blend which somehow manages to capture a slice of Americana in the most mellow, unassuming way. " Stephanie Angelyn Casola, Observer/Eccentric "Delta 88 has: Anest, face thrown back to some sun that shines on only him, Latini, blissed-out on the beat, Sperendi, lost in space, Kline, eyes closed in cowboy prayer." Carey Wallace, Detroit Metro Times "Danny Kline, infatti, prima di lanciarsi in questa avventura aveva gi una buona reputazione come song-writer e il gruppo si muove come una sua naturale estensione nello sviluppo dei brani, tutti originali, e nelle particolari sonorit a cavallo fra folk e nuove contaminazioni." Roberto Menabo, Bluestime "...Delta 88 takes a fresh approach to an old sound." Mark Ziemba, Current Magazine "There's a lot of promise in this album, and it's a strong debut." Ian Kearey, Folk Roots (no. 210 - December 2000)
    Ann Arbor, MI - USA

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