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    Artist description
    PHunky TRance DRum and BAss. HIppy TEchno WIth SPace
    Music Style
    electronic acid techno
    Musical Influences
    pink floyd decss jeremy bishop stone locomotive string cheese medeski martin and wood phish grateful dead batman and robin mp3 wave DeCSS
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    Martin Garbus, Esq. (MG 6261)Edward Hernstadt, Esq. (EH 9569)FRANKFURT, GARBUS, KLEIN & SELZ, P.C.488 Madison Avenue New York, New York 10022(212) 826-5582Attorneys for Defendant Eric Corley a/k/aEMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK XUNIVERSAL CITY STUDIOS, INC., PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION,. METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER STUDIOS INC., TRISTAR PICTURES, INC., COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUSTRIES, INC., TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENT CO., L.P., DISNEY ENTERPRISES, INC., and TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX FILM CORPORATION, Plaintiffs, - against - ERIC CORLEY a/k/a "EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN" and 2600 ENTERPRISES, INC.Defendants00 Civ. 0277 (LAK)ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE TO DISMISS COMPLAINT PURSUANT TO RULE 37 OF THE FEDERAL RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, AND FOR AN ORDER PURSUANT TO RULE 65 REQUIRING PLAINTIFF TO POST A FURTHER SECURITY BOND IN AN APPROPRIATE AMOUNT TO BE SET BY THE COURTXUpon the affidavit of Martin Garbus dated May 8, 2000, the exhibits annexed thereto, the defendants previously submitted documents and affidavits in opposition to the plaintiffs' Motion to expand the prior restraint and in support of defendants' cross-motion to vacate the original prior restraint; the transcript of the two hearing before this Court, the first granting the preliminary injunction on January 20, 2000 (Memorandum Opinion at 82 F.Supp 2d 21); on plaintiffs' application for a stay on Tuesday, May 2, 2000; on the disqualification motion; and on the other documents submitted previous hereto, including Defendants' Memorandum of Law in Support of the Motion to Vacate; and sufficient cause appearing therefrom, it is hereby ORDERED that Plaintiffs show cause, before the Honorable Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, at the United States District Court, for the Southern District of New York, Room 120 of the United States Courthouse, 500 Pearl Street, New York, New York, on May __, 2000 at ____a.m. or as soon there after as counsel can be heard why an order requiring that the plaintiffs post an appropriate bond pursuant to Rule 65 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure should not be entered, and it is furtherORDERED, that Plaintiff show cause why an order to, pursuant to Rule 37 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, should not be entered that: (1) dismissing the complaint; (2) immediately determining defendants' and plaintiffs' present motions on the basis of the record now before the Court; or (3) vacating the Order of January 20, 2000 and Decision of February 3, 2000; or (4) requiring plaintiffs to comply immediately with discovery on the dates and times set forth in defendants' notice of depositions; (5) imposing appropriate sanctions fees and costs; and (6) granting such other relief as to this Court deems just and proper, and it is furtherORDERED, that the parties serve any papers in opposition to this motion by hand to Martin Garbus, of Frankfurt Garbus Klein & Selz, at the defendant attorneys' office on or before ___ o'clock on May ____, 2000, and it is further ORDERED, that service a copy of this order, and the papers annexed hereto to Leon Gold, Esq. At Proskauer Rose, LLP, 1585 Broadway, New York, New York be made on or before ___ o'clock on May ___, 2000Dated: New York, New YorkMay 8, 2000Respectfully submitted,FRANKFURT GARBUS KLEIN & SELZBy: ___________________________________Martin GarbusAttorneys for Defendant Eric Corley a/k/aEMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN
    Group Members
    jeremy bishop,dale lutz
    keyboards,guitars,udu,talking drum,vocals,mandolin
    can you find it
    Press Reviews
    improvised live techno not samples but live really enjoyed listening.chris smith crazycockeyed records
    dayton, ohio - USA

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