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    Artist description
    Bardot was a typical 1980s band, its life span covering the years 1982-1985. The music was largely modelled on the New Wave trend that had been sweeping the pop scene since the early 1980s. At the time, the band was locally known for a strong live act.
    Music Style
    1980s Rock/New Wave
    Musical Influences
    U2, Simple Minds, Big Country, Duran Duran
    Similar Artists
    U2, Simple Minds, Big Country
    Artist History
    Bardot was founded by guitarist Dick Onstenk in the spring months of 1882. During the first year the band was looking for a musical formula and the music was still largely rock oriented. That changed in the course of 1983 and the band adopted a powerful New Wave sound, based on the British leading New Wave bands of the day "U2" and "Simple Minds." Meanwhile, the band was becoming increasingly popular in the local pop scene. Throughout 1984 the band worked om its music, gigged and recorded Demos. 1985 was Bardot's best and final year with spectacular appearances at local pop festivals and on local stages. In 1984 bass player Maarten Aerts had been replaced by Nick Kempers, thus realizing its final and strongest line-up. Bardot's music was noticed by talent scout and Ariola A&R manager Jan van Dingstee who introduced them to Dutch top producer Martin Duiser. Before signing a contract and releasing a first "single" the band was given ample studio time to come up with the big hit. Many demo and preporatory recordings were made in a local studio. However, according to Ariola the big hit was not among them. Meanwhile internal tensions were corroding the band too. Frustrated of the Ariola proceedings and tired of each other, the band band split up in december 1985. Currently, many recordings of this band exist and I believe it would be a shame to leave them unpublished. To me, the music still sounds powerful and energetic and it's my guess that many people that grew up in the 1980s will recognize that particular sound. And after all, Bardot was one of the best bands the city of Eindhoven ever produced. But that's kinda personal of course.
    Group Members
    Jeroen van Erven (vocals), Dick Onstenk (guitar), Nick Kempers (bass) and Paul van den Brink (drums)
    guitar, bass, drums
    Geldrop, Noord Brabant - Netherlands

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