Artist description
This is a Sub Part of The Hamster Alliance(www.mp3.com/jamezthegh).This part focuses on the Quake 3 Community, and hopes to play a big part in its growth.umm...These songs I listen to and ask myself, *James Earl Jones voice* "Would you frag to it?"I try to get as close to the answer Yes as I can :). Lots of people were dissapointed at the original Q3 music due to its very mainstream sound...well i feel it did its job nicely...but would have liked more. That is why this is here!!! this page is that more! Here you can find songs in many Genres that are all good for gaming! woo! sounds like the shit to all u mappers?? well it is...:) *whoosh!* |
Music Style
My style is what you want it to be, its what i feel like. I dont have a set style that i stick to, and I like it that way. |
Musical Influences
Everything. I was raised on it all, and listen to it all, aslong as it shows talent. |
Similar Artists
Aphex Twin, Crystal Method, Bach, Beathoven, Sonic Mayhem, Frontline Assembly, Nine Inch Nails, and many many others depending on the song. |
Artist History
Http://www.mp3.com/jamezthegh |
Group Members
JameZ the Giant Hamster - Is the Brain(again) Behind this operation...he is the grandmaster, the kingpin, the large rodent that has few nipples. He is an Enigmaticly Disturbing moose...The Wall of every soup...and then there's Ryan, he does guitar :) |
A computer with: various trackers(mainly Buzz Tracker) and sound editors. |
http://www.mp3.com/jamezthegh |
Press Reviews
Press Reviews A Plenty i have, yes. hmmmm. well i have them on file, ill send them to people that really want them. |
Additional Info
I can work in all Genres and Styles, but that is all reserved for my other page. On this one its all Q3 Music!! Yes, I'll also do custom level music for you if you ask nice :) |
Sacramento, California - USA |
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