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    Artist description
    This is as hard as you can rock on acoustic guitars! A funky 5-string fretless bass and unpredictable drums drive a sound that one minute floats, and the next blasts off, but always flies. Poetry you can tap your foot to and vocals that run the emotional gamut.
    Music Style
    Acoustic Rock & Pop
    Artist History
    In the early 90's Ezra Vancil and Phil Taylor were spending time around campfires, inventing the vocal and guitar harmonies that would be the center of Gypsy Tree. When Phil began taking music courses at a community college, he picked Bart Sweazea out of the crowd for his prowess on the neck of a bass guitar. Then, together, they spied on drummers until they found one, Kirk Sonnenberg, with the diversity of styles their sound would require. Barely four months after their first show, they were in the studio recording what would become their only release - Airplane. But instead of leaving the studio they continued recording a number of, as yet, unreleased songs. Sadly, the same volatile mix that fueled this dynamic and original sound, also began the premature disintegration of the band. And when the LA music business came calling it brought with it a match to finish the job. Airplane remains as a reminder to the fans of Gypsy Tree what could have been. And those unreleased songs by a more polished band remind me what actually was.
    Group Members
    Ezra Vancil - 12 string guitar, vocals Phil Taylor - lead guitar, mandolin Bart Sweazea - fretless bass Kirk Sonnenberg - drums
    acoustic guitars, five string fretless bass, drums
    Dallas, TX. - USA

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