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    Artist description
    The Policy Wonks aim at inside and under the Beltway!
    Music Style
    Trip-Hop, Reggae, Jazz, Experimental, Dub
    Musical Influences
    Similar Artists
    Tackhead, Massive Attack, Tricky, Jah Wobble, Zappa
    Artist History
    The Policy Wonks were formed in the late 1990's as a pop group formally known as "Steaming Entrails". As this was an unsatisfactory name from a commercial stand point, they changed it to it's present moniker in 1998. After years of on-again off-again touring around the Midwest and selling cassettes out of the back of their cars, the Policy Wonks moved their base to Chicago where they were soon arrested for pandering. The fuse was lit! The infusion of big name artists to Chicago in the 90's brought the band the opportunity to mingle and cajole with musicians who would soon shun and avoid the Policy Wonks. Working day jobs in the Broadcast news industry to make ends meet, the band soon realized it was taking itself MUCH too seriously! They lost the dreary all black attire and fingernails and embraced a much more hip, know-it-all attitude, popular with their peers. Once again they were arrested for pandering. After completing their community service, the Policy Wonks resolved to be themselves no matter what the cost.
    Group Members
    Ken Bay - Sounds & noise Carrie Oshe - Sounds, Noise & Vocals Sy Yonara - Sounds , Noise & Production
    Roland 808, Arp 2600, Fender Jazz Bass
    Talking Points; Frankenfood Trilogy, Loyal Opposition
    Press Reviews
    "...tumor inducing" - Washington Times; "Apocalypse summoning" - Fox News; "Earth shaking" - "Burning, ripping and sharing is not killing music," Ken Waagner, a digital-media consultant in Chicago who was part of the recording academy's board of governors for four years, wrote in a letter to Mr. Greene. "Greed, stupidity and ignorance on the part of the policy wonks and further alienating the listener is the real threat to the business, and ultimately the artist's ability to be heard."
    Additional Info
    WASHINGTON (AP) - A type of genetically engineered corn that is not approved for food use was withdrawn from the market at the government's urging Thursday after the crop showed up in additional brands of taco shells.
    Chicago, Illinois - USA

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