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    Artist description
    blues rock- originals & tasty covers
    Music Style
    blues rock alternative
    Musical Influences
    hendrix srv winter, b.b. king eric clapton, zz top,Zepplin
    Similar Artists
    yes - stevie ray vaughn, hendrix, b.b.king clapton, steve vai, willis alan ramsey, ac/dc
    Artist History
    together since the last century. Jubal' Tribe is a combo of local College Station TX musicians who got together to play some music for fun and then found out they had a great sound and some great tunes so they headed to the studio. They play in the C.S. region including Brenham,Houston, Conroe and soon Austin TX.The band hopes to make enough proceeds from their first effort to fund a second project they already have tunes for.
    Group Members
    Scott "Squish" GreerDrummer Age:19 Home: College Station,TXScott is a fine example of good elementary education at work! He played drums in the Jr. and High school Jazz and Orchestra bands where he tooled the essential skills to lay down the beat for all kinds of music.Ben CunninghamAge: 24Lead guitar and vocalsHome: Abilene, TXBen started guitar lessons his freshman year at A&M in College Station. He learned fast and efficiently, becoming an amazing picker in a short 5 years!! Ben has played in a few local bands and is pumped about getting to record!! He wrote one of the best songs on the upcoming CD called" Damn the man".Skot JacubiakAge:28Bass GuitarHome: Greenbay, WISkot is a college trained musician with a degree in music. He has been teaching guitar lessons for a number of years and was the very instructor who got Ben started on the road to guitar virtuosity!! He took over the Bass duties when a vacancy came about and he said " Hey, I'll play the Bass for you guys". The rest is history!!Dan NashAge:38Home: College StationVocals and GuitarDan is the old man of the band. He is also the only married member. His wife, Cathy has been the inspiration for many of the bands songs. Dan has been playing music since he was 8 yrs old when he started off playing the banjo with his dad. He has penned most of the songs main structures, but Jubal's Tribe is a band, and the creative process is always at work.
    Ben plays a Strat and Bluesbird thru a Fender twin with various stomp pedals, Dan plays a Ibenez roadstar 2 series and DeArmond M-75 thru a Fender Deluxe with very few effects, Skot uses a Musicman Bass thru whatever he can get his hands on and Squish plays Pearls and Zylgians with some sticks!!
    Jubal's Tribe jan. 2001
    Press Reviews
    "distrbingly smooth and ecclectic" - mutant times"alarmingly charming" - burleson billboard
    Additional Info
    Jubal's Tribe - Station - (Ep) dec.2000 Jubal's Trube - Boots & Mixes (Ep) March 2001
    College Station, texas - USA

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