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    Artist description
    Velvet Dreamfield himself is a fictional character who symbolizes the personalities of every member in the band.........all of the instruments put together are supposed to be just velvet singing.......Velvet is a creatively evolved human being through the voices in his head which we call "elan vital"......many of the songs that we play are from Velvet's perspective because he wrote them.....
    Music Style
    psychedelic rock
    Musical Influences
    beatles, floyd, radiohead
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    Artist History
    velvet dreamfield is a group of 6 guys playing rock music.....we feature 2 guitars, 1 bass, 1 cello, drums, and vocals......our biggest influences in our original music are the beatles, pink floyd, radiohead, and ween......chris roscoe, the rythym guitarist and backup vocals, started playing with brian marco, the bassist, about 6 years ago. They began by playing nirvana tunes and eventually originals. Having been friends before that, they realized that the music that they liked was very similar.......after about 4 years of playing with different artists they met bryce reed who quickly became the lead singer and voice of velvet dreamfield......james norman, the cellist, was a friend of chris's from their jobs at a pizzeria called mio's and he was asked to join soon thereafter.......james knew travis cannon from a band that they had previously played in together called ginseng. He asked travis to come with him to a practice one time and travis's style fit right in.....the only thing left was to find a steady drummer and that finally came when the members hung flyers up around u.c.......a guy named greg nicholson was invited to a practice and velvet felt that he was the perfect drummer to complete the circle.
    Group Members
    chris roscoe, bryce reed, brian marco, greg nicholson, james norman, travis cannon
    2 guitars, cello, bass, drums, vocals, samples
    cincinnati, ohio - USA

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