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    Artist description
    Ananta has a very cutting edge, unique sound... yes, these are somewhat cliche terms, however they apply here. The music speaks for itself... we refuse to conform to the stylings of what is "popular", rather, we have chosen to persue avenues which take from the best of all of our favorite artists. The end result, one of the most unique and awesome sounds you will ever hear.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Asia--pre 1991, Alan Parsons Project, Geoffrey Downes, Journey, Europe and others
    Similar Artists
    We have a unique sound with eclectic bits of many different artists.
    Artist History
    The history of Ananta begins in 1995 when Michael Groff, half of the Ananta duo, purchased a moderately sophisticated keyboard. With no knowledge of how to play or what to do, he sat for several hours playing with the wide range of sounds and samples that were available. Over the course of several weeks he developed a basic understanding for chords, chord progressions and scales. Meanwhile, Groff was telling his best friend John Biely about his recent purchase and learned abilities. John, a rather rough musician himself, thought it would be to his benefit to expand his musical talents on Mike’s newest keyboard… well, it didn’t take long before the two of them played many tandem songs… most of them were rather simple, but the foundations were set… next came the idea of recording a song or two. These songs were only one to two minute pieces, but nonetheless showcased some raw ability that could be extracted. Over the next several months, the Groff/Biely tandem played dozens of different songs and recorded many of them, naturally, they were quite repetitive and simple, but each one progressed more and more away from simple notes and subtle chords to complex patterns and rich textures. All the while, both members were developing their own unique styles, yet maintaining a constant idea… we should try to form a band… at first this seemed a bit obscure, after all, neither one had more than six months of instrumental experience under their belts, however each day showed more and more progress. So, as the music expanded and tapes filled with new, melodic pieces, the idea of forming a permanent duo—a ‘band’ became a possibility and eventually, a reality. With the onset of a band came some tough questions, what to call ourselves? The first choice was Infinity. This seemed to be a good choice, especially for it’s symbolic purposes. Infinity represented the idea of an unlimited musical horizon and possibility for the duo to expand. However, they were quite dismayed at the number of bands with that name already used… the originality has always been a key component to the tandem, therefore, the idea of using such an apparently cliché name was out of the question… the next choice, which was a bit more researched was Inertia. This name drew from some of the same symbolism of Infinity, but had a bit more uniqueness. Unfortunately, about two years later, John discovered that Inertia was also being taken by a few other bands as well. Such a decision for the third try would require a lot more research and thought. After pouring through countless books and websites to determine a unique and interesting name, the general consensus was to go with Ananta, which in several religions and mythical eras, refers to a great serpent of time or the vehicle for which all time passes through… perfect! But enough about the name…The band members: As alluded to earlier, there are just two members, Michael Groff and John Biely. Groff was born in Minnesota during a tremendous blizzard in 1977. A foreshadowing maybe? After spending four and-a-half years in the hustling-bustling metropolitan of Grand Forks, North Dakota, Groff and immediate family left their roots (other family and friends) behind and headed for Phoenix, Arizona, where they have lived ever since. Groff spent most of his childhood listening to records, until 1985 when cassettes and CD’s took over… He was never that popular in school, but managed to keep a small circle of unusual characters as friends. Many years of ridicule and personal taunting turned him into the witty and occasionally cynical man that he is today… “I played video games, studied meteorology and listened to radio/music for about the first 16 years of my life… actually, I still follow that schedule now, although I it around college and creating music, but all in all I feel reasonably satisfied with the progress I have made so far”, says Groff.Physical Description: Height: 6’-4” Weight: 195 lbs. Hair: Brown Eyes: Green --- Favorite Sport: Baseball, Football, Basketball, Hockey. John Biely was born in Northern California on December 20, 1977. After spending a brief period of his youth in Northern California, Biely and family moved back to where most of his relatives were… Coon Rapids, Iowa. Essentially, the only things to do in Iowa as a youth are playing video games, snow sledding or finding some animals to designate as pets, much to the dismay of your mother :). Much like Groff, Biely’s childhood and adolescence were filled with general exclusion and taunts, but for many different reasons. Biely, even at the age of 22, is only 5’-3” tall, well… you can imagine how short he was in elementary and middle school… one of those easy targets for sure. However, his advanced math skills and overall IQ were beyond reproach, and as a result managed to accumulate a few loyal friends, and some guys that could use a little help on their homework… Biely always had an affinity for the piano and musical instruments in general. Therefore, he tinkered with many different and unusual piano playing styles… but for only within the past several years did he focus on a more refined playing style. Certainly, both members have a long history which is too verbose to go into within this small space, however you can be sure that the dedication which both have demonstrated toward their music is, for lack of better wording, beyond normal.
    Group Members
    Michael Groff and John Biely
    Echos of the Mind
    Phoenix, Arizona - USA

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