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    Artist description
    fluffers union ranges from slow and melodic to fast and chaotic. one moment hints of country music and lo-fi pop, the next of a waltz fit for stomping on toes. bryan says, "the goal is to make people move while never really letting them organize a line dance."
    Artist History
    originally named …and the great whore, the union began as a studio threesome making sporadic sodomized piano songs with trash can drums and a lot of sexual under, behind, on top and overtones. the cutest of the threesome and bassist, valarie hall, left in late 1998 to pursue a career in alcoholism. bryan then called on an old friend who played with him in the milkman's kids to fill the opening. collin downs enters history as the bassist for ...and the great whore. The next addition to the widely unknown band was chris teague, guitar virtuoso and harmonist extraordinaire. bryan knew chris from playing together in the salt peter boys, a local half-ass bluegrass band in which bryan played banjo and chris played mandolin. drummer jeremiah moved from the trash can to an actual drum kit and fluffers union started playing rock n roll with intentions of fusing bryan's flair for dissonant wanking, chris' bad jazz abilities, collin's sexiness and ability to play stardust on the bass while doing a keg stand, and jeremiah's haphazard technique of drumming.
    Group Members
    bryan crowell chris teague collin downs jeremiah clifton
    san marcos, texas - USA

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