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the Rabid

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    Artist description
    Hello. My name is Adam Beebe. I have been composing avant-garde music since I was a child. If I had a master's degree, my noise montages and repeditive ambient works, which most people consider completely unlistenable, would be considered classical music and/or fine art. Alas, I am but a mere college drop-out and pop musican. I am also one half of the infamous crap-core combo, Pope John Paul the Third. I have been fortunate enough to collaborate with some of the most innovative musicians around such as Damian "Skinny D" Kalish, J Ted Bond, James Call, Ryan Beebe, the Mundanes, Mike Garlington, and the Future Funk Entertainment Project. If I had to pick a favorite Beatle, I would probably pick George.
    Music Style
    avant-garde experimental noise alternashit ambient unlistenable pop
    Musical Influences
    Beatles, Terminator X / Public Enemy, John Tavener, Sun Ra, Shostakovich, Mr Bungle, Arnold Schönberg, Art of Noise, John Lennon, Mono Puff, Debussy, David Byrne, John Cage, George Martin, Marius Constant, John Linnell, Dust Brothers, Ornette Coleman, mental illness, my pointless existence.
    Similar Artists
    the Fireman, Björk, Phillip Glass, Mouse on Mars, Kitaro, William S Burroughs, Ned Lagin, Kurt Cobain, Chicks on Speed, Edgar Varese, Aphex Twin, Beck, Brian Eno, Portishead, James Call
    Artist History
    5000 fetuses are marching solemnly towards victory. They carry flags with various insignias printed on them and they chant over and over the name of their new czar; They chant "Adam Beebe" and the townspeople know that the time for tears has at last ended.
    Group Members
    I am a talented musician.
    venereal disease, booze, the world's worst stereo equipment
    Perpetual Motion Machine by Adam Beebe, Better Dead than Red compilation, Pope John Paul the Third, Experiments in Crap-core vol. 1, More Music No One Will Ever Hear compilation
    Press Reviews
    "Adam Beebe's haunting non-melodies are the sole reason I haven't yet slit my neak from ear to ear in an Old Navy Changing room. Every night when I get home from the grueling evening shift at Taco Bell, I put on A DAY IN THE LIFE OF KLAUS while the people in the next apartment cringe in fear. LONG LIVE THE RABID CHILD!" -Unhappy Paul McCartney Shaped Robot
    Additional Info
    I deserve a million dollars.
    Emerald City, OZ - USA

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