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    Artist description
    I see our band as a way to get out a lot of aggression we all have. Our band is a serious band but we do like to have fun. Do not mistaken us for a joke band who is just fucking around. This has great meaning to us. Musical wise, I think the band is a mix of grind, power violence, math. There really more in it than that but I'd rather have you all listen and decide for yourselves. You can't just follow other people's opinions. We like samples too.
    Music Style
    I don't know.
    Musical Influences
    Friends, family, surroundings, our small town lives, bands that we admire for doing what they love.
    Similar Artists
    Neil Perry, The Locust, Forstella Ford, Born Under Saturn, The Bazhena, Index For Potential Suicide, Tintoretto. This is just my opinion.
    Artist History
    Two crowds mesh sophmore year, 1999. "Crust punk/grind" kids meet the "emo/metal" kids. Both have recently been finding interests in each others favorite music genres. Once friends, sharing a wide variety of musical interests, they decide to start a band. TJ DeBlois, the Canadian drum major eh, Peter Jason Helmis, self proclaimed Heuggonot, and Matthew Gibbs, long time listener first time caller, we going to fuck around and grind out. They asked Christopher Young, an emotionally saddened teenager who always wants to kill himself, If he'd like to come over and watch. He declined but was forced into submission by a force only know as "it". Once they arrived at the DeBlois site, Chris was asked if he'd like to mess around on guitar and have Peter play the bass. Once again his resistence was no match for "it". For the next half and hour or so, we screamed and hit or instruments in manner they should never be hit again. This incident was and is still know to this day as "that day, remember?" Well this "day" spawned the idea of something that we cheerish even now. Matthew Campbell was finally actually founded in March of 2000. The four rock the basement whenever there is a chance and people show up to indulge though we are not really trying to get any shows yet. About a half a year later, Brett Houser, we have not figured out what this kid is yet, was recruited as the new sample/keyboard guy. Matthew Campbell is more than a band. We are close knit friends and that why we do this. People have beenfucked over before, hurt by each other, and despised by one another, but forgivness is what makes relationships last and is never under appreciated. We would like to share this with all of you.
    Group Members
    TJ DeBlois, Christopher Yound, Matthew Gibss, Brett Houser, Peter Helmis.
    Drums, Guitar, Keyboard, Samples.
    Press Reviews
    Robby Loudnet thinks we're "okay". Brett Green says "I think they're good". Colin Mahoney "really likes us". Ben Schorr says "Matthew Campbell = good, awesome even. Very awesome actually".
    Yardley, PA - USA

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