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E Backwards

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    Artist description
    From Michigan comes E Backwards E! Recently moved to L.A. for opportunity and new ears, they have just left Michigan with a bang after gaining a huge and loyal fan base. Their sound ranges from Tool to Nirvana to The Doors and The Deftones. Not only in their state, but people all over the world are slowly hearing and loving a band that entrances you and still rocks you hard.
    Music Style
    Melodic Rock
    Musical Influences
    Nirvana, Tool, Pink Floyd, Alice in Chains
    Similar Artists
    Nirvana, Silverchair, Tool, Pink Floyd,
    Artist History
    In Late ’99, E Backwards E put out their first underground LP entitled “needmoretime”. This Album has propelled the band high in the underground ranks, and was soon sold out. From local shows to worldwide MP3 downloads, spreading the word doesn’t seem to be too hard for this band. 2000 was the year they put out “The House of E”. This new disc has 4 songs that prove the band is growing in songwriting and energy. They played with several national acts and gained respect from many national bands. E Backwards E has the determination and the talent to make it. In 2001 they will be better than ever and ready for the west coast. They are looking forward to challenge and opportunity. Opening a new door to them would be opening a door for everyone.
    Group Members
    Jeremy Larsson Vocals Jai Dodge Bass Mike Cary Guitar Jeff Wilcox Guitar Jason Seger Drums
    2 guitar, 1 synth, 1 bass, drums, 1 singer
    "Need More Time"11 song Lp "House of E" 4 song demo
    Press Reviews
    With the music scene currently erupting in areas like Southern Cali, key parts of Florida, and Chicago, sometimes people forget about the in-between places that have music just as good to offer but rarely gets heard because of the poor scene. One such group that comes to mind is the Lansing, MI quintet, ebackwardse. Fitting in to today's hard rock scene is something that comes naturally to bands nowadays. You just have to write a hit single and you're in. But to write an entire CD filled with musical goodness is something that many groups lack and the other tracks end up being wasted space and will end up getting skip over. Ebackwardse gives the potential listener a wealth of tracks that are both pleasurable to listen to and meet today's technical requirements that allow a band to transcend above the status quo. Instead of falling prey to the allure of the new-metal wave currently sweeping the nation, the band plays off older rock favorites like Nirvana, Alice in Chains, and the heavier riffs of older Deftones material. Like most CD's the first couple of cuts are designed to catch your attention, make you pay attention. Needmoretime is no different. Opener "E" is hard-driven, aggressive metal combining catchy guitar riffs with the voice of Jeremy Larson who can be compared to a Kurt Cobain on steroids. He is able to let loose both controlled fits of screaming and raspy singing that mixes together quite well. Second track "Scurvy" holds a guitar riff very similar to the bass line of One Weak of the Deftones though does the tune justice rather than slanderously ripping it off just because it sounds cool. Slower songs like "Butler" and "Curds & Yay" give way to Jeremy's more melodic voice and serve as a refreshing break in an otherwise hard-rock dominated album. The pair of guitarists Mike Cary and Jeff Wilcox put forth some impressive sounds. They have the ability to write songs that have a strong rock-oriented base and turn it up a notch. Songs like "Tight" and "Exorcisim" are perfect examples what just what they can do when placed together with the other members in this 5-piece band. Drummer Jason Segar is most impressive as he knows when enough is enough. Many times drummers will go buck wild and throw patterns and fills in with no thought on how it flows with the music around them. In this case, Jason perfectly times each and every hit from cymbal crash to complex patterns on the toms. It would seem to me that fans will needmoretime when it comes down to buying this record before they sell out. Ebackwardse is a great hard-rock band with roots that stem backwards rather than shooting towards something new. But history repeats itself and the sound of yesterday will once again surface. When that happens, ebackwardse will be on the forefront of the wave. -Twon Vertigo Productions (Papa Roach, Alien Ant Farm)
    Additional Info
    Los Angeles, Ca. - USA

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