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    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Jazz, Latin
    Artist History
    In September 2001, ACME Jazz Unit made their Sydney debut performing at the opening night of the 12th Sydney Spring International Festival of New Music at The Studio, Sydney Opera House. The ABC Classic FM for their highly acclaimed Jazz Track program recorded this performance for broadcast. Whilst in Sydney, ACME also performed at The Winebanc, one of Sydney’s premier venues for live jazz performance. In January 2003, ACME received excellent reviews for their performances at the Fremantle International Jazz Festival. Recent achievements include being a prizewinner in Quasart l’Art du Milieu an international arts competition based in France. Since their formation in September 1999, ACME Jazz Unit has performed at all the premier jazz venues in Adelaide. They have performed at the 1999, 2000, 2001 & 2002 Bartercard Glenelg Jazz & Seafood Festivals. Richmond Grove Winery's Three O'clock Club, the VIP tent at the prestigious Barossa Under the Stars which featured Michael Crawford in January 2000, and were the support act for Grace Knight in August 2000. ACME has also performed in the Jazz Series 2001 & 2003 presented by the Jazz Coordinator of South Australia at the Governor Hindmarsh. ACME Jazz Unit have also contributed two tracks to a compilation CD, Next Generation, produced by Jazz Fest in Sarajevo, Bosnia, released in September 2001 to celebrate the work of jazz musicians of Bosnian heritage.
    Group Members
    Libby O'Donovan - VocalsBelinda Gehlert - ViolinDeanna Djuric - PianoShireen Khemlani - Acoustic & Electric BassMario Marino - Drums
    Voice, Violin, Piano, Bass & Drums
    Released our first EP, 'Prima' in November 2001
    Press Reviews
    "Far more worthy of mention, praise, & top billing were the support act - a fantastic local jazz outfit by the name of ACME Jazz Unit.Acme Jazz Unit played a mixture of jazz classics & original material written by Djuric, whose piano skills left the audience breathless, & prompted a round of applause every time she had a solo - andI swear I very nearly saw sparks coming from the keyboard! Her original compositions have a vibrance & energy which envelops you & fills you with joy, especially a song which, from memory, is called, "Baking a pie".O'Donovan's vocals are dripping honey one moment, & are set on fire the next. She has an amazing range...Her voice comes from deep within & roars lke the best blues artists,& she sings with an incredible amount of energy, yet manages to make it look effortless.A truely infectious style & charismatic vocalist make ACME Jazz Unit a group heading for big things. Jazz-fiends keep an eye out for their gigs because I have never seen talent like this, & they shouldn't be supporting crap caberet acts."Jayne Lewis, "On Dit" Adelaide University Newspaper, 21 August, 2000 "Jazz the ACME way is about performance, flair and audience engagement." Ben McEachen, The Advertiser, March 2001. "Adelaide's ACME Jazz Unit performed with polish and exuberance and was rewarded with rapturous applause." Keith Gallasch,, September 2001
    Adelaide, South Australia - Australia

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