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    Artist description
    Don Robertson is a pioneer in the field of positive music. He plays keyboards, guitar and drums.
    Music Style
    Positive music
    Musical Influences
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    Artist History
    Don Robertson's first album was in 1969
    Group Members
    Don Robertson
    Keyboard, Piano, Guitar, Drums
    Favorites, Keys
    Press Reviews
    Spring — "A work of stunning beauty." — John Dillebreto, Downbeat Magazine"Don Robertson… perhaps America's premier synthesist." — Archie Patterson, Eurock Magazine"I have chosen Resurrection as one of the most beautiful synth albums of the year." — Francois Grapard, Radio Trait d'Union, France"Starmusic is a completely successful album of electronic space music fully comparable to Kitaro and other better know artists." — Music From the Hearts of Space, National Public Radio"Starmusic is absolutely fantastic and 40 minutes of incredible music, superbly played and produced. Brilliant!!" — Andy Garibaldi, Lotus Records, EnglandSpring — "Thank you for your gift of love and music, which has always been an important part of our work. I love your gorgeous music and we will use this album in many of our workshops." — Elisabeth Kubler-Ross"We love Keys. You are so talented and blessed with such a gift! Keep it up!" — Sonya Isaacs"I listen to Keys all the time. It makes my life more productive. I love it!" — Irving Sarnoff, Founder, Director, Friends of the United Nations"I really love Keys. I used it for morning prayers in July when we went away for a week as a council to plan the coming year. The sisters all loved it too." — Sister Anne, O.P., Saint Dominic's Parish, San Francisco, California"Robertson has developed into a top-notch synthesizer programmer. Starmusic, 'for intergalactic computer orchestra,' has typically lush, brilliant sounds; Spring may have a bit more substance to it, and is probably Robertson's best recording to date." John Schaefer, from the book New Sounds"Luxurious compositions guaranteed to soothe and please" — Thom Holmes, Recordings of Experimental Music"Starmusic is floating music that would make Klaus Schulze blush… Robertson's composition, orchestration, and recording are far more than competent. His music seems to soar with deep emotion and is almost hymn-like." — James Finch, Syne Magazine"Resurrection is one of the best synth albums we distribute." — Lotus Catalog, England"Starmusic is an incredibly well received album of warm, spacey, melodic synth music, with echoes of Kitaro only fuller in sound and brilliantly produced, achieving a magnificent synth layering effect. As with the other two albums, highly recommended, but this one is a masterpiece of synth music." — Lotus Catalog, England"Starmusic is one of the first albums created entirely by computer. It has been acclaimed both in the United States and abroad. The theme of the album is reflected in the music, which has a star-like quality, particularly in Don Robertson's use of special effects." — Ethan Edgecomb, Celestial Harmony RecordsSpring — "…High, ethereal, choir-like orchestral heights…brilliant and beautiful." — Lee Underwood, book on New Age Music"Spring is one of the most beautiful albums of electronic music you'll hear by anyone. Don has certainly breathed new life into what is increasingly becoming a boring and creatively stifled genre - electronic music." — Eurock Magazine"If we could have Don living in the New York area I would have no qualms at all about having him on the radio at least once a month! Don's music is the perfect blend of rhythm, tone, and dynamics that many artists spend years trying to achieve. Get all of his albums, now!" — Richard Ginsburg, Synthetic Pleasure, Inc."I wept when I heard Stardance over the Internet." — anonymous e-mail Keys — "We adore this music. There are so many beautiful melodies, and the delicate balance between the piano and keyboard textures is very sweet. Thanks so much for providing us with such good music; Don has really outdone himself on this one!" — Best wishes, PJ Birosik, Musik International"Dear Don, Thanks for sending Keys. Glad to see you've kept the flame burning...Regards." — Stephen Hill, Music From the Hearts of Space, National Public Radio "I love Keys. It took me days to hear the entire CD because I kept repeating the first cut over and over again." — Lorene Faulk, Richmond, Virginia"Keys is my favorite of all Don's music." — Wendy Maschino, Watsonville, California
    Cumming, Georgia - USA

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