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    Artist description
    Lyrics are often very personal and very confrontational; religion, self, society, and human nature are sources of inspiration for the band. Deep philosophical issues are expounded upon and/or criticized; conventional morality and the advent of popular culture are viewed as deterrents to the natural process of evolution. The mindset of the band is concerned with this evolution, of mankind; this mindset is reflected by their complex and constantly evolving musical experimentation.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Ranges from Tool to Machinehead to Pink Floyd
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    Artist History
    Dilemma, hailing from Santa Clara County, California, was created approximately two years ago. The band mixes metal and melodic hard rock with mild amounts of funk, hip-hop, and various other influences, making for a unique and diverse style of music - a style which is continuously in the process of development and expansion. Brutally pounding rhythms and riffs are contrasted with sublime melodies, majestic, sweeping harmonies, and extended musical experimentation - the music can quickly shift from one extreme to the other within a given song.
    Group Members
    Andrew Earley-Guitars/VOX, Ryan Mahan-Bass/VOX, Guillaume Lam-Synth, Matt Hammond-Drums/Percussion, Brandon Rose-Guitar
    5 song demo-The Ignorance of Illusion
    Press Reviews
    The second band to the Cactus stage was the young act of Dilemma. Mixing heavy amounts of rather dark melody with heavy chunking, rolling distortion, Dilemma uses a hint of the hip-hop sound with moderate amounts of the hardcore element to produce a rather strong sound. Consisting of guitarist / vocalist Andrew Earley, bassist / vocalist Ryan Mahan, guitarist Brandon Rose, drummer Matt Hammond, and keyboardist Guillaume Lam, Dilemma had a strong crowd paying attention by mid set and showing obvious signs of attraction to the sound. Dilemma uses a strong amount of song breaks and clean tripped bridges with ambient keyboards to break each song in distinct parts. Lam's keyboard work is a nice added feature as the mix seemed right on as his work sailed over the top of the sound, especially with the clean, melodic parts, to produce a darker sound. Earley and Mahan both trade vocal duties, with neither one really stronger than the other, combining for a good mix. The crowd did seem somewhat dulled by some of this band's extended, tripped, melodic song breaks, as a live crowd is just looking for that heavy, constant flow of quick music for movement purposes, but the fans in attendance to straight hear the music could appreciate this sound.Mario- powerslave.comDilemma had the unenviable task of opening the night. They went one maybe five minutes after the doors opened, so the crowd was still tricking in, but by mid-set, a sizeable amount of people had gathered on the floor. The five-member unit plays a style of music which owes as much to traditional hardcore as it does to traditional metal, and had the crowd bobbing their heads and even had a pit going on and off. They played about five songs before exiting the stage. These guys definitely have a good thing going and it will be exciting to see them again. Madman -
    San Jose, CA - USA

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