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    Artist description
    Kalifunk music is alternative hip-hop ; a fluid blend of old school funk and bebop jazz with vocal stylings gliding between rap and scat singing; thought provoking, fresh, and always just beyond the grasp of commercial radio programmers.
    Music Style
    Hip Hop Rap/Alternative
    Musical Influences
    Charlie Mingus, Thelonias Monk, John Hendrix, Michael Franti, Guru, and Roy Ayers.
    Similar Artists
    Morcheeba, Portishead, US3, Roy Ayers, Franti, Digable Planet, Incognito, Gangstarr, Beck, Beastie Boys, and Frank Zappa.
    Artist History
    A long time ago on the planet Kalifunk lived these funky types, who kicked it kind'a jazzy with a hip-hop sort'a vibe. Little did these funky folks know, but evil beings from the planet Nogotsoul were comin' to kick some tail ('cause they hated anything that sounded funky or jazzed out). In a mad attempt to preserve his peoples' culture and heritage, the supreme high funky Jazzman of Kalifunk (Tuck'a-Monk'n-Pat'a-Byrd-Cole'd-Outfitzhendrixmingus) created a magical pendant which he endowed with all the funk'n jazz powers of his people.Just before ol’ Tuck'a-Monk'n-Pat'a-Byrd-Cole'd-Outfitzhendrixmingus was slammed hard by the evil Nogotsouls, he shot the pendant into the stars saying, "search the universe my funky note and find one worthy of carrying on the Kalifunk funk'n jazz jam." The pendant kicked about the universe for thousands of years, until one day, it spied a funky little planet called Earth where a young cat named Mack was cuttin' some wild bebop. Mack was raised by a jazz DJ Dad and a funky soul Mom, he studied with the best, and cut mad hip hop each night before he rest. The pendant saw right off he had the juice to carry on the jam, so down it went, and in a blinding flash of light it become one with this young man. With all the funk'n jazz powers of the Kalifunk people now inside of him, Mack vibes on a whole new level. With the last memories of Kalifunk in his mind he just plain freaks and vows to protect Earth from all evil Nogotsoul types.
    Group Members
    Session players and bend members included these funky folk: Kalifunk Mack (lead vocals, guitars, keyboards), Mike Marshal, Yural Dixon, Sandy Griffith, Monet (backing vocals); David Assa, Keith Crusher, Ken Phlo, Kevin Smith (background posse); David G. Earl (piano, keyboards); Victor Owens (backing vocals, bass, remixing); Miles Perkins, Bennie Rhettfield, Troy Lampkin, Victor Bailey (bass); Brian Knave (drums, percussion); Will Kennedy, Omar Hakim (drums); Mark Levine (piano); JZ (turntables).
    Real piano, jazz and funk guitars, slamming live drums, exotic percussion instruments, upright Real piano, jazz and funk guitars, slamming live drums, exotic percussion instruments, upright bass, funk bass, crazy samples, and groovey synthesizers.
    Kalifunk Madness
    Additional Info
    Kalifunk Mack was previously located in San Francisco, CA, but has since ascended to a higher plane of existence. His material is now being managed by MuziCali Intertainment out of Los Angeles, CA.
    Studio City, Ca - USA

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