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    Artist description
    Stoner pop.
    Music Style
    Similar Artists
    smog, red house painters, American Analog Set, sebadoh, eric's trip,
    Artist History
    Began in Vancouver Canada in 1996, moved to Montreal in 1997.Released 3 CDs for Canadian indie label Transsiberian Music Co.
    Group Members
    Marc, Kyra, Graham, Jim , Nils,
    Guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, various toys & homemade intruments and noise makers.
    3 CDS: Grand Storm Matinee, affecting automobile Backbone Cunning, Left Orbit & Temple
    Press Reviews
    LEFT ORBIT & TEMPLE -(From BURNING INK) While some people are quick to dismiss this kind of repetitive, ethereal hypno-rhythm as "self-indulgent", others believe it to be the background music of the soul. Give me self-indulgent any day. For some reason, for me, the only music to penetrate years of Spice Girl cynicism is the noodling of like-minded, individuals. People on the same planet. Devolver exist to scratch that itch.This Canadian band has been existing quietly for a few years now and this release, their third, is drifty and dreamy like an ethereal Saturday afternoon. Songs like "My Denial" chug along on a groovy, slow loop occasionally punctured by the screech of the city."Starting Out" mixes vocal stylings reminiscent of Spiritualized with a trip hop beat; hypnotizing. Other songs remind one of early Sebadoh, simple with pleading honesty. If any of this sounds interesting to you then you are likely to be pleased with this new release. If you don't "get" it then don't get it. That's all there is to it. AFFECTING AUTOMOBILE...(From ULTRA WWW magazine) -On this second album by Vancouver duo Devolver they cover a wide range of styles: from the opening song-trio Haze/Spells/Parlour battles post-Syd drugged guitar'n'loop ballads, through catchy 'mid-fi' (as they call it) Smudge-pop (Gunman accountant), to the fantastic groove-under-many-sheets-of-metallic-noise in Morgue twig army. In-between are shreds of songs and shards of noise. Accessible melodies (Marc's vocals plus guitars and organs) and experimental elements (tape gurgles, faltering loops, uncanny breathing sounds) are carefully edited into short elusive pieces of music, conjuring up a fascinating sound world all their own. Just when you think "Tall Dwarfs!" hearing the guitars over drum computer of Atom link, a whoozing chunk of raw electronica featuring a guitar solo bleeding out of a transistor radio follows, titled What is a stervus?... Devolver are hard to compare. Don't miss out on this record. (hs)
    Montreal, Quebec - Canada

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