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    Artist description
    Animal Farm is Bloomington, Indiana's phenomenal power-pop rock foursome! Their unique sound comes from an intense love for such 60's groups as the Beatles, but takes its edge from more modern indie groups like Superdrag. Melody is always key in the songwriting process. Known for their charm and all-around rock out factor onstage, the group brings in the numbers.....especially the ladies!
    Music Style
    obscure/unique harmony-laden and fun Beatle-esque Power Pop/Emo/Indie rawk that bridges into Brit Pop and occasional weirdness.
    Musical Influences
    Superdrag, Kara's Flowers, Blur, Roy Orbison, The Knack, Harvey Danger, Eve 6, Silver Sun, Foo Fighters, Ultimate Fakebook, PULP, Oasis, Phantom Planet, Tocar, Copperpot, Paul Simon, Allister, James Taylor, Beatles, PuffyAmiYumi, Good Charlotte, Neil Diamond, Ricky Nelson, Gary Lewis, Prozzak, Steel Train
    Similar Artists
    Superdrag, Rooney, Harvey Danger, The Knack, Weezer, Blur, Sugarcult, Sean Lennon, Benjamins, Apples In Stereo, Phantom Planet, Summercamp, American Hi-Fi, Ash, Elliot Smith, Wheatus, Mest
    Artist History
    Back in the mid 90's, Dane got hooked on such bands as Foo Fighters and Oasis. This led to an onslaught of great power pop and Brit pop music. It was around 1997 or 98 that Dane started to write and record songs in his home studio (though very poorly and off-key, out of tune, what have you). Over time, songwriting improved, and the songs found their way to a select audience (read: hot teenage girls and depressed young men for the most part) who could relate to the lyrics perfectly. Most of the songs had to do with getting your heart ripped out of your chest and stamped on by a significant other. This seemed to click with a lot of people, and more records were made because of the thousands of responses. Dane moved his operation to Bloomington, got signed to an indie over the summer of 01', and wrote and demoed with an unsteady lineup for the next year. Now with a fresh lineup and approach (not to mention label interest and LOTS of phone numbers and marriage proposals), the group continues to hone its craft daily, while the fans truly keep the torch lit with their undying enthusiasm for Animal Farm. Enjoy the music!!!
    Group Members
    Dane Bowling- lead vox, guitars, keys, whatever's needed at the time, etc. ...and 3 other guys who KNOW KUNG FU.
    Everything you could possibly think of has been used (yes, everything!!)
    Hear & Now
    Press Reviews
    This is a terrific song of terribly little consequence. But when I'm in the mood for fluff, I'm going to Animal Farm. Did they get their name from the Orwell Novel or the Kinks' song? Hmmm, I guess it doesn't really matter. "The Rest of Our Lives" incorporates the Punk-Pop intensity of acts like Wheatus or Good Charlotte into the post-Weezer framework of Indie bands who listen to a lot of music from the 60s, yet still sound distinctly modern. It has all the right elements: the chunky groove, the vaguely youthful relationship lyrics, the sing-along chorus, the stripped-down post-Grunge guitar leads, the goofy Matt Sharp-ish backing vox antics (Hello!), the intense broken-rhythm bridge. The formula has been well thought out, and typifies everything Ozma has forgotten makes Rock a whole crap load of fun. But for that fun, we suffer a slight loss in how compelling this track may be. If they take out the pseudo-rap shouting at the end, this could be one of my favorite examples of the genre." This song will be on the radio one day. On that same day I will smile and stop listening to my girlfriend's yapping long enough to crank this song up. I will almost certainly be in my car, and I will definitely be bobbing my head. An accident may result. But it's worth it." - Gary Arthur Brown of Gods of Music "Angst and remorse go hand in hand to create a surge of real world truths and high school heartbreak. Worth a listen if you have ever been in love with someone who loved someone else."-2nd Floor Magazine "....What's come out of these basement tapes has turned out to be some really cool stuff. The fact that these were all done comfortably at home is pretty inspiring in itself. Mix that fact with some catchy tunes reminiscent of lofi pop maestros Guided By Voices, and the (Never Make It) e.p. holds its own against the battlefield of typical make-or-break radio fodder."-The Weekly Vision "My first reaction to Dane's new batch of songs was "WOW!" I honestly thought the kid was lying to me when he modestly put these off as "just some songs he was working on while getting over (insert girl's name)". I also thought the 5'7" dark-haired pretty boy was lying to me when he said he wrote them. I'd sure enough eat those words in time. Talent this young doesn't come along all too often."-The Lowdown Sugar sweet alt-pop that is kinda fun in its own loopy way. What alt-rock radio would sound like if it hadn't been taken over by pigs.-Audio Galaxy
    Additional Info
    Buy our record!!!!!
    Bloomington, Indiana - USA

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