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    Artist description
    The comacaine brand of music is slow, sometimes slower. It's often sad and mostly personal. Cosmetically damaged but in good working order, it's homespun lo-fi. The songs are made in the countryside, in a small shed at the bottom of a field of tall grass, where two horses occasionally live. One or two takes mostly - keeps it real. The little imperfections in each song exist, plain as day, they just don't matter. If it's just a glass getting knocked over, somebody opening a door or a chair creaking, then it's probably been left in there. So those occasional noises you think you hear? They're probably not inside your head. No apologies, refunds are available at the door!
    Music Style
    slow lo-fi
    Musical Influences
    From Hank Williams to Paul Westerberg, Neil Young, Mark Linkous and so many more.
    Similar Artists
    Hate this one! Sparklehorse, Neil Young, Radiohead, Palace, Will Oldham, Wilco, Uncle Tupelo, Tom Waits, Sebadoh, Roger Waters - don't know! None of these? You decide! Oh and of course Elvis Presley
    Artist History
    comacaine brand is singer/songwriter Barra O'Toole (of ludlow) with a loosely cemented, revolving cast of supporting and contributing musical friends.
    Group Members
    The following suspicious individuals may have played or mis-played an instrument, caused a disturbance or noise, opened their mouths, opened their hearts or otherwise contributed to comacaine brand songs: Barra O'Toole - vocals, guitar, bass and some badly played drums, piano and keyboard. Billy Mulqueen - bass and backing vocals. Al Sheahan - guitar, piano, keyboard, bass, backing vocals. Fin Chambers - guitar, backing vocals. Kieran Calvert - guitar. Doug Murray - piano. Ambience was usually provided by Martin and Edward. Thanks guys.
    All the usual with some unusual.
    Limerick - Ireland

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