Artist description
Originally recorded and released by ambient pioneer Robert Rich as two separate but complimentary volumes in 1983, Trances and Drones combines the two records with other, more obscure unreleased material. Recorded at his acclaimed "sleep" concerts towards the end of his psychology studies at Stanford, these landmark records reveal the slower, more meditative side of Robert's music and may be among the most intensely purposeful of Robert's releases, reflecting a purely contemplative, almost esoteric approach to trance music. Trances and Drones is also the first indicator of how his interest in psychology infiltrated his music: it was his first release to draw connections between his lucid dream research with Dr. Stephen LaBerge and the early performances where he developed and honed his knack for creating stunning, improvised space music. |
Music Style
Ambient |
Musical Influences
the earth, space and sleep |
Similar Artists
seefeel, future sound of london |
Group Members
robert rich - sound and dreamscapes |
keyboards, handmade instruments, guitars, lights, etc |
Sunyata, LIVE, Urdu, Inner Landscapes, Numena, Geometry, Rainforest, Strata, Soma, Eye Catching, Propagation, Yearning Night Sky, Replies |
Mountain View, CA - USA |
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