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Gordy de

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    Artist description
    GORDY de NECOCHEA Singer/Songwriter: Thanks for checking out the music. I've recorded a few guitar and voice versions of songs that somewhat reflect the types of music I write and sing. My music is acoustic guitar based, sometimes bluesy with a heavy emphasis on vocals. The music easily falls into the realm of POP/BLUES, or even COUNTRY (and I do not shy away from ballads!). The song I enjoy singing the most right now, is called Picasso Blue. The songs are basically a series of story songs. They are songs about my life, and the lives of people I know and of people I wish I could know. Some random PREVIOUS VENUES: U.S. - The Trapp Door, The Red Devil Lounge, Notes From Underground Cafe (San Francisco); Java Man (Los Angeles), CSUS Coffee House, Cafe Paris (Sacramento), Have also played in the Middle East and Russia. CONTACT
    Music Style
    Pop Blues leaning toward Country
    Artist History
    Birthplace: Calexico, California. Home: San Francisco, California. Last five years: I've travelled a great deal and have played music in some fascinating and unlikely places - from floating on boats down the Volga river in Russia and the Nile in Egypt, to beautiful starry court yards in Damascus, Syria and coffee shops and bars in New York, L.A., and at home in San Francisco. MUSICAL INFLUENCES: Elvis Presley, The Beetles & John Lee Hooker in English; Trio Los Panchos & Augustine Lara in Spanish; Fairouz in Arabic. I only sing in English and Spanish, although recently, Arabic music has made a big impression on me. Travelling has increased my appreciation of music immeasurably. In Cairo, I first heard the voice of Kolthum, known simply as "the Star of the middle east." Later I would hear the voice of Farouz - equally as brilliant. I've had the great fortune of having shared stories and music with the Bedouin in the desert, and heard the silent beautiful song of mother earth as I watched the sun set from Mount Sinai. Although no burning bush graced me with revelation, I have seen a certain light in more ways than one. More than ever, my heart is full of love and hope, and sometimes sadness, for my fellow man. We are all in the same predicament after all! Songs like Six Billion Two (a comedy), Perfume (a ballad) and Crossing the Nile (a peaceful lament) found life in the middle east. The song Anna Ahkmatova was conceived in Russia, and born in San Francisco. At the end of the day, they're all love songs regardless of how one categorizes.
    Accoustic Guitar (Crown - made in Seattle in the 60's - Nylon strings!)
    Press Reviews
    R.E.Graswich in the Sacramento Bee "moved to tears" re: "Gordy s emoting" in the Independent film by Brad Seals, "A Simpler Plan." (A take off on the blockbuster film - A Simple Plan).
    San Francisco, California - USA

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