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    CHARLIE SPLEEN'S AMERICAN NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 3So, George W. finally beat his tree-hugging so-called opponent. So, things should be lookin' up, right? Wrong. Jesus H. Christ in a bag, you people make me sick. You got your dinky emails, your cellphones glued to your friggin' heads, your sweaty little Hand Holders, oh, excuse me, Palm Pilots, and the three of you who can still read and write might remember the rusting can at the end of the street labelled 'US Mail', but does anyone actually COMMUNICATE any more? Is anyone LISTENING out there? No, obviously not, and this is for why:I already spent considerable time and effort warning you about a guy called David Barratt and his dismal little one-man "band" called Yellow Note. They made two God-awful waste-of-plastic rekkids called "We're Not The Beatles" and "Yellow Note vs The Daleks" which I HAD TO LISTEN TO so I could tell you not to. But hey, never mind what simple, hard workin' Charlie has to go through to get to the truth, you ungrateful bastards listened anyway.Which makes me think, why should I bust a gut helping you retards keep your money in your pockets instead of lamely handing it over to David Barratt for Yellow Note's "new" rekkid? It's called "Damn Yellow Note Damn", for cryin' out loud, and let me tell you right now the title's the only damn I like about it. For starters, it's about as "new" as that natural yoghurt left in the refrigerator from when my ex-wife did the Big Walk. What we got first is some 'remixes' - in other words, some half-assed tragic attempt to salvage something listenable from the old wreckage. Well, let me pass on a piece of record production wisdom (let's face it, there ain't much): "you can't polish a turd". Whaddya know, for once the little junkies hit the spot. Then we got some 'b-sides' - that's as in, "b-sides this shit, what else do you have? Any friggin' MUSIC, perhaps?". This is your fault, suckers: if you'd paid attention in the first place, and not gone and bought the rekkids - LIKE I TOLD YOU - this great and beautiful country we live in wouldn't have let him make another one. It's Market Forces. It's the American Dream. Wake up.And one thing leads to another. YOU let him make another rekkid, some other dummy lets him do a film score. Naturally, it's some weird sex-and-drugs indie crap called "Dog Do", sorry, my mistake, "Dog Run". Here we come to the one shred of good news in this whole letter, which I quote from Barratt's own press release: "the release date of DOG RUN has been temporarily postponed pending resolution of censorship and rating disputes". Yee-har! Free speech means the censorship board has a right to say what they want - like, "you can't watch this nasty little movie, kids". They're threatenin' to let the picture out at New York's Angelika cinema in March, but just in case the censors are really thinkin' of backing down I should just add that I got me some pictures of my own. Of a prominent member of the board getting kinda busy with someone. Someone called Bunny. Someone who 'works' above the X-Dream-Land Adult Bookstore. Someone who could use some help with the rent. So let's just keep the film in the can, OK? For everyone's sake.With all this goin' on it's no surprise that Barratt gets out of town sometimes. Of course he wouldn't go anywhere NORMAL, like New Jersey - he goes to Jamaica, for Christ's sake, where he hangs around with a guy named Papa Dee - a foreigner, obviously. Now, I respect every American citizen's right to a little piece of land off the beaten track, y'know, somewhere quiet to keep a pile of canned food and 10,000 rounds of ammunition JUST IN CASE, but these guys are somethin' else - they got a whole studio up there in the hills, they call themselves Dubchek and they've made ANOTHER damn rekkid. This one's called "Down Memory Gap Lane". Like losing all your brain cells is somethin' to brag about. I guess it's some kinda digital dub thing, but, believe me, there's no friggin' Bob Marley tunes on there, boy.Then, just when I thought, what the hell, at least he's out of America, I hear he's back, doin' music for Pepsi commercials. Now, he's done this before - messin' around with Star Wars tie-ins, threatenin' our very culture - but this is worse. This time he's involved with Britney Spears. Britney friggin' goddess Spears. Most of you, like me, will have admired the lady's work on her posters and in her video clips, where she helps the economy by employing lots of guys. The thought of Barratt soiling this national treasure makes me friggin' boil over.So here's my protest plan. We gotta buy all the copies of every Yellow Note rekkid in every store. Then we drink 17 cans of Pepsi each. When the sugar kicks in we rush the Angelika Cinema, torch the pile of rekkids and sing Britney Spears songs til they call in the friggin' Army. AMERICA WILL LISTEN. Are you with me?
    Music Style
    All Electronic Dance Styleees !!!!!!
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    Artist History
    Don’t talk to me about David Barratt. What’s the big deal here? The guy’s a fraud. Here’s the facts:I first met David “Top Ten” Barratt when he’d allegedly co-written “Heaven Knows” for Robert Plant. He was getting some fat checks in Then he works for some Limey cross-dresser name of David Bowie on the soundtrack to Pretty Woman. Jerkin’ around with some whining dirge called “Fame”. ..Now all kinds of easily misguided people let this waster Barratt loose on their stuff. Like MC 900ft Jesus, Family Stand, Tina Turner, Gravity Kills,Taja Seville and Ginuwine. To most Americans, these names mean nuthin’. But to millions of kids it’s a different story . And these kids will be running’ the country soon. Unless we do something about Mr David “Beat Of America” Barratt. You bet.Scary thing is, it’s not just kids. Decent, law-abiding multinational corporations - the people who pay our wages - allow David “Ad-man” Barratt to put the music to their impartial sales advice. When I heard that Revlon had used Barratt’s music in their otherwise very attractive commercials I immediately gathered up every one of their make-up products in the house and threw them in the garbage......eer they were my ex-wife’s.God knows why but Coldcut used to open their acclaimed “Journeys By DJ” album. ... Oh and keep out of the cinema as well. David “cinema verite” Barrat has several songs in the Fox release “Two Girls and A Guy” (is that sick title or what) which stars that well known thespian Robert Downey Jnr. But it doesn’t stop there. There are a whole bunch of people giving Barratt the chance to spew his filth in our beautiful God fearing country .Now Unitone those former arbiters of good taste are threatening to pollute our culture with Barratt’s album “Down Memory Gap Lane” under the name Dubchek.It‘s got me so mad I can’t sleep. I keep playing’ it to see what that pinko David “Subliminal Hook” Barratt is up to, with his dubbed-up loping grooves, his sampled voices and spoken words, his coolly incisive rhythms... see, a week ago I was just like you, didn’t even know what ‘subliminal’ meant. Now I’m starting’ to sound like those freaks. God help us all..And then I have this nightmare, right?: I'm at the sharp end of the Titanic with that kid Lenny di Cappuccino and the fat chick, only I CAN SEE THE ICEBERG COMIN' and I'm shoutin and NO-ONE IS LISTENING and then I wake upand it's worse, 'cos... .David 'Yellow Note' Barratt is makin' another rekkid. Must be out on bail or somethin'. I keep warnin' you people and NO-ONE IS LISTENING. I'd heard he was doin' stuff for the Sci-Fi channel and I thought, OK, if he's in the nuthouse with the late-night weirdies watching flaky B-movies then at least he's not on the streets. But, ooh no. You can't trust this guy to stay in his place. He worms his way in with the pointy-head Spock set and then what? He's doin' Star Wars tie-in ads for Pepsi. Listen: we got a guy here who thinks Star Wars is a documentary series and only uses Pepsi to take the edge off the stuff he distils in his bath, but still David 'Adman' Barratt is workin' on these two great American institutions, infiltrating, undermining... makes me sick. So I rent a movie and get a six-pack, yeah OK make it two, of good American beer to kick back with. I'm watchin' "Forces Of Nature", good honest romantic comedy with hard-workin' decent folks like Sandra Bullock and Ben Affleck in it... and what happens? I see David 'Songwriter' Barratt's name on the soundtrack credits and spit out half a can. How did this happen, with my constant vigilance and self-sacrifice? Easy: NO-ONE IS LISTENING.But it's our kids we should worry about, of course, even if maybe the ungrateful little bastards have gone to Kansas with their slutty so-called mother and only call when they need a check, which they won't get, believe me. Kids buy rekkids and - I swear this is true - some commie idiot drunker than Yeltsin himself is letting David 'Yellow Note' Barratt make another one. Actually, two... get this: the vinyl is 'specifically for the dancefloor' while the CD cross-fades, changes tempos, gets weird... we all know what this means and it means this: these people are taking so many drugs they need different so-called 'vibes' to 'relate' to their different 'spaces'. My wife's attorney 'referred' me to an analyst who 'shared' this kinda 'bullshit' with me until I 'punched him out'.I don't need to tell you about the music - you've heard the same old crap on the last Yellow Note album ("We're Not The Beatles" - like, oh thanks, I was confused for a second). Of course there are the incessant beats, booming bass, samples and effects, and other dumb cheap carnie tricks to fool your mind and body into believing you might be enjoying this experience that you just paid top dollar for. Suckers. NOW, if you ask me, but you won't because NO-ONE IS LISTENING.OK. This rekkid is called "Yellow Note vs The Daleks", and any decent American will be saying "Huh? What's a Dalek?". Well my friends, a Dalek is a creature from a cut-rate Limey Sci-Fi TV show called Dr Who (as in, Who Cares?). They are dumb garbage cans with sink plungers attached and the Brits, a nation of impotent accountants, are scared of 'em. Which is why America alone can be trusted with Truth and Justice. Which is why we have to make the sacrifice and Buy The Rekkid - to keep it from our kids. Hey, I bet they're only pressing twenty... buy one and make a difference. But promise me: don't play it. I tell ya, we're not safe from this guy. ANYWHERE.
    Group Members
    David Barratt - Just about everythingerr..... and my freinds help me out with everything elce
    knobs and vibrating objects
    Yellow Note - We're Not The Beatles (Liquid Sky) JSK 131, Yellow Note Vs The Daleks (Liquid Sky) JSK151
    Press Reviews
    Yellow Note Interview with Darren Ressler of MIXERQ. How do you compare 1998 with 1999 ?A. 1998 was a small brown donkey being attacked by tiny blue insects that left glowing hickeys all over it's tummy. The donkey did not know whether to laugh or cry so it sold its ownership in a gold mine so it could spend more time near the ocean.1999 was much more complicated.Q. Dance music has appeared in a lot of commercials this year. As a seasoned jingle veteran/drum n bass producer do you see this as a good trend?A. Its not something that I feel a value judgment about. Major capitalist corporations will always try and show their products in the best possible light so they will use whatever is popular and attractive to their potential customers. Drum 'n bass fits that perfectly. Technically D&B works paticually well because the tiny drums at the top end of the frequency range and the bass at the bottom leave a big hole for the voice over - which the client will always want as loud as possible.Q. You are not a jungle scenester but you record for one of the most respected labels in America. Does this distance give you an advantage?A. At the risk of sounding a little defensive I do DJ at several spots in New York as well as playing gigs about once a month in other cities across America. I am always out all the major nights here in the city as well as working on TC Islam's new album and cutting tracks with other D&B producers at my studio here in NYC. I'm not sure if that qualifies me as a "scenester" but it does help me in my work as a producer. I am distanced in one respect though. I am my late 30's and most of the people dancing when I play out of town can be as young as 17 or 18. Amy advantage that my age brings has to be one of experience. I have been working and playing in studios since I was 19 and I've picked up a few tricks along the way. I still have the same desire to create as I did when I was 17 and see myself making records for many years to come. I have many role models in this. John Lee Hooker, Miles Davis, Duke Ellington all made their best work in their 40's 50's and 60's and I can see no reason why I shouldn't get better at my chosen craft as I gain more life experience.Q. What was your most satisfying creative moment?A. The birth of my son HarryQ. What was your least satisfying creative moment?A. Something that happened in the bathroom at Izzy Bar on a Wednesday night earlier this summer. My lawyer advises me that I refrain from indulging in details.Q. What are your plans for 2001A. A new Yellow note album. The completion of the Yellow Note Novel. The release of DUBCHEK "Down Memory Gap Lane" on Unitone - this is my dub album that has been in the vaults for way too long. The release and success of Holly Palmer's album "Tenderhooks" on Reprise that I have several songs on, which, if they promote it properly, should sell a zillion copies. Recording with Sonic. Recording with TC Islam. Finishing the soundtrack to the movie "Dog Run" directed by Zeev Gilad. Growing one inch taller. Loving more. Q. How and where will you celebrate New Year's Eve.A. Quietly holding the hand of someone I care for deeply.
    New York, NY - USA

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