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I was born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I discovered my musical talents at the age of 4. By the time I was 5 I got my first real instruments, snare and a bass drums that had been used by marching bands. I got bored with it real quick. by the end of first grade my interest had grown towards violins. After the first 2 weeks of practice I never went back to any other instruments. As the years passed, by the time I was a teenager I was getting into a lot of trouble due to family issues and discrepancies at home. At the age of 16 yrs. Old I found myself being tried as an adult for something that I shouldn't have had anything to do with. 2 years later I was paroled for good behavior on a 10 yr. sentence. I then decided to do something else besides hanging with people who had influence on me so I listened to my favorite aunt by enrolling into Camelot community JC. At that time computers were just now getting over us, so I had wanted to be a part of it. By being incarcerated it had little effect on me dealing with worldly people and the opposite sex. I am so glad that my mother Linda MC Neil {RIP} got to see her oldest son walk across someone's stage and receive a degree. My computer interest got boring to me after many rejections from employers for lack of experience. Along the process, I met the love of my life, my wife Sheila. She gave me hope when I was hopeless. In 1991 I met a person who really put me in the industry, Michael Lockett, My stepfather, not only a father but a friend indeed. He was someone who showed me the ends and outs of both worlds, a man that could see everything without sight. In 1992 I recorded my first song "Where the Hustlers At" along with rap pioneer EBWD and CONVICT. In 1995 I met a man named Klass. Also a rap pioneer from the group "Deep 4 Life" which did very well for gospel rap. We were right along with Kirk Franklin on the Billboards at #2. We had a good energy from the fans but not for one another. So needless to say it didn't work out. But still for Deep 4 Life is very supportive to each other's projects because there was no love lost. In 1996 I decided along with my friend "Pee Wee" to develop a group. We were first called "Drama" but both of us agreed to the name "ONE LINE." Later on that same summer I was blessed with some money so I decided to purchase some equipment such as keyboards, amps, mixers, etc., so now we are ready. Plus God anointed my hands too play so there was no stopping. Nevertheless, family issues seemed to reoccur ending in a very hard lesson of being unprudent.In 1997 it was really weird for me because everything seemed to be going according as planned for one mind, but unfortunately my mother passed away. With that, it sent my mind in another direction. Heavy drugs and alcohol abuse became relevant for the following year. I thank God that he delivered me from those demons that were trying to kill me. After my 2nd daughter was born I knew that I had to get my mind right. Not only for myself but also for my family. The beginning of 1999 I decided to set off on my new Journey towards success. I had already touched bases with rap entrepreneurs such as "Rated R" of THUG LIFE. I not only met him but he kept a roof on the top of my head s well as fed me. There were several occasions that I chilled inside the establishment of "Coolio" alongside the bad azz producer "Rob." When the Year 2000 came upon me I knew that it was my year. I got fed up with all of the poverty only to hook up with a brother like myself that is willing to work with me as well as my attitude. Thank God for "SHOWTIME" ENTER STACOLINEUM |
Southern, California - USA |
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