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    Artist description
    Jerrys Kids is and has been developing an original sound that can best be described as EMOCORE. To Jerrys Kids EMOCORE means a combination of highly emotional music and hardcore rage that is commonly released in their songs. The main factor in their music is their unique and uncomparable singer Kris Neises. Heavyly influence by bands like Glassjaw, Deftones, and Taproot Kris has developed a sound that may at first sound odd but you soon find out you never get tired of JK songs.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Deftones, Glassgaw, Taproot, Ultraspank, Far, Nirvana, Tool, Mr. Bungle
    Similar Artists
    Glassjaw and Taproot
    Artist History
    Jerrys Kids is a four piece band located in Dayton, OH. Jerrys Kids' music crosses the borders of both modern hardcore and emo sounds. On vocals, Kris Neises provides the emotional and attention grabbing emo voice with his singing and mournful tone. Their drummer Justin Satinover has developed his own unique style of playing that can be described as eclectic and diverse. His style may best be known for his ability to provide monster break downs with just the crashes of his symbols. Joe Coyle is the guitarist behind Jerrys Kids. He too, has a very distinguished playing style that is very rhythmic and easy to experience. He may be best known for his ability to play nearly ever song he's written on an acoustic guitars and still keep the beauty of the music. Joe also is quite a local celebrity with his off the wall antics and costumes that include the famous "Tigger in a gasmask". Finally, Cole Bohanon provides the bass to Jerrys Kids. His ability to combine both hardcore and emo riffs into his playing style has distinguished him as one of Dayton's best bass players.
    Group Members
    Kris Neises - Vocals, Justin Stainover - Drums, Cole Bohanon - Bass, Joe Coyle - Guitars
    Jerrys Kids
    Press Reviews
    Get ready for churning, emotive metal from Jerry’s Kids. This Ohio band unleashes a thundering bass line, crashing guitar work, and blasts of vocal fury from lead singer Kris Nieses. Advice to the fans of the Deftones and Korn: roll around in unbearably disturbing tension and let this hardcore band help you wallow in your anger. ("Jerrys Kids is the most talent band to come out of Dayton in years. Their amazing and incomparable sound that includes groovy bass lines, catchy drum tracks and mind numbing guitars; is overshadowed by the dark and emotional lyrics of Kris Nieses. This band is my pick for the next success story for hardcore music. Get ready, cause here they come..." (Dayton's Faceless Underground)."Musically, Jerry's Kids is very talented and has potential to go very far. Their songs are not only freaking awesome but memorable and unique. Jerry's Kids has a style all their own and their performance was a breath of fresh air..."(Eric Teske)"Just Another unfortunate moshing accident" DDN - Wednesday's Band Playoffs lineup at Canal Street Tavern pitted the straightforward rock of Blue Karma against the noisy, rage-fueled trash of Jerrys Kids. Both put on great sets - but about 10 minutes in Jerrys Kids performance, one of the audience members dancing down in front pitched straight back and collapsed to the floor. A cool rag provided by the barkeep and encouragement from his pals got the guy back on his feet, but for a few minutes it looked like the medics would get a call. Jerrys Kids, by the way, never missed a beat, though they asked from the stage later how the guy felt. (Ron Rollins, DDN)
    Additional Info
    Support Anarchy !
    Dayton-Springfield, Ohio - USA

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