Artist description
A solo project created out of summer boredom. The songs have a techno-esqe sound to them but aren't limited to that at all.The Trimorphic Project's average song usually goes through stages, or morphs, and only rarely does a song go through less than three different stages. |
Music Style
Electronic for sure. What it is excactly, I don't know. You decide. I just make what sounds good to me. |
Musical Influences
Electronic wise, I don't really have any... |
Similar Artists
I don't really know of many bands..so you decide. |
Artist History
I started this 6 days ago. And today is July the 15th. Not much history. |
Group Members
Just me and my computer. |
Techno Ejay. I hope to someday scrape together cash for a synth. |
No ablums.. |
Lawton, Oklahoma - USA |
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