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    Artist description
    Chicago alt-rock combo built around core members Laura Caragher(vocals, songwriter, acoustic guitar)and Liska Swanstrom(vocals). The current CD includes Brady(electric guitar), Larry Beers (drums), Steve Howard (bass) and Mitch Marlow (e-bow, Wurlitzer). slowjane was joined on the self-titled 1997 release by Willy Porter(guitar)& Biff Uranus (electric violin)as well as the originals members of Richard Glassman (bass) and Shad Swanstrom (drums).(distributed via Red&Babs Records).The new CD "a little while"
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    orton, buckley, nick drake
    Artist History
    slowjane began as an acoustic duo - Laura Caragher and Liska Swanstrom. They played mostly coffee houses and small clubs in the Chicago area. After taking a break, they returned with new material and began working on a demo. A band was hired and demo turned into a full-length CD. The rhythm section joined the girls full time to form slowjane. Their 2nd CD with a new band line-up is now available (including Laura Caragher(vocals & acoustic guitar),Liska Swanstrom(vocals), Brady(electric guitar),Steve "the kid" Howard(bass),Larry Beers(drums)and an appearance by Mitch Marlow (e-bow, Wurlitzer).
    Group Members
    Laura Caragher, Liska Swanstrom, brady, guests Larry Beers, Steve Howard, Mitch Marlow, Willy Porter, Biff Uranus Blumfumgagne.
    acoustic & electric guitars, bass, drums, elec. violin,keyboards
    self-titled 1st release and "a little while"
    Press Reviews
    From CenterStage Chicago - They take the standard acoustic-based folkrock with twin female vocal harmonies and add a bit of alternative attitude and more complex song structure to come up with a sound that, while not altogether new, is solid and very listenable. Their sound is moody and atmospheric, though very melodic, take on alterna rock: something like the Indigo Girlsheavily filtered through Dead Can Dance. (Don't take the Indigo Girls comparison too strongly though; unlike the Indigo Girls, SJ is non-preachy and bears repeated listening with enjoyment whererepeated Indigo Girl spins are most likely to produce nausea in the listener.)The opening track, "Fall," has an Us-era PeterGabriel-esqe feel and, like the record as a whole,includes some fantastic harmonies. Track 5 (thoughit is mis-numbered on the cover as #6; tracks 5 and 6 are transposed on the disc itself), "Clear Picture," is a catchy love song with an upbeat tempo and nice depth due to some well-chosen violin parts. The next track, "Untitled," which seems to act as the bitter counter-point to "Clear Picture,"has a nice violin bit as well, though it has a deeperand mellower tone, giving the song a gloomier feel.Perhaps the most complex and fully-realized song onthe record is "Flutter." Again, violin (played by Biff U. Blumfumgagne) is one of the more important elements in this song; however, instead of adding atmospheric touches, the violin is central the song with the guitars and drums very muted and restrained. Somewhat inscrutable lyrics combined with the gloomy Eastern-European dirge-sounding strings make this oddly affecting track one of the stand-outsof the record. All in all a solid debut that indicates solid future potential. see website at for more reviews.
    Additional Info
    Chicago, Illinois - USA

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