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    Music Style
    Shack Rock
    Artist History
    Gardener revolves around Aaron Stauffer and his longtime pal Van Conner. Their friendship began in the late eighties, when, after parental discipline caused young Aaron to miss a Screaming Trees concert that he set up for his sixteenth birthday, Aaron began phoning the Trees on a regular basis and inviting them to play in Tacoma. At age 17, Van finally acknowledged him, triggering a friendship that would span a decade and eventually lead to Gardener. As the Seattle music scene exploded, their bands, Seaweed and the Screaming Trees (both natives of other Washington towns), found themselves’ in each other’s company more and more often. It was in 1996, when the two bands toured together in England and Scotland, that Aaron and Van finally decided to collaborate. That winter they co-wrote "Quay" and "New Dawning Time" and enlisted Van’s brother Pat and childhood friend Adrian Makins, thereby defining the shape and sound of Gardener. A few months later, Aaron packed up his belongings and headed south to experience a more rugged lifestyle on the northern coast of California. There he penned the rest of New Dawning Time and recruited various accomplices (aka "the shack rock orchestra") to record the album. Shack rock: be you Jill or Jack, get in your shack and build a fire!
    Group Members
    Aaron Stauffer (Seaweed)—vocals, acoustic & electric guitars Van Conner (Screaming Trees)—electric guitar, 12 string acoustic, sargent electric sitar, mellotron, drums, organ, bass, finger tapping Pat Conner—sargent sitar, drums Adrian Makins—bass, slide guitar Alan Cage (Quicksand, Seaweed)—drums Paul Thunstrum—trombone Aadip Desai—tablas, trumpet Iana Porter—vocals Paloma Huerta—vocals, flute John Atkins (Seaweed)—bass Clint Werner (Seaweed)—electric guitar Sean Hollister—bongos
    New Dawning Time, Out on April 6, 1999 (Sub Pop Records)
    Mendocino, Seattle, Tacoma, . - USA

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