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    Artist description
    I sit in my room with my Celeron & Mackie and lay down tracks of whatever feels good at the time. It's electronic most of the time, but I also love my guitar... so it can be pretty hard to put that down sometimes. It takes me a while to actually finish a song because I always have so many projects going on at once. Probably shouldn't do that.
    Music Style
    drum'n'bass, house, ambient, experimental, trance
    Musical Influences
    Aphex Twin, Squarepusher, Skinny Puppy, Cylob, Nine Inch Nails, Front Line Assembly, Autechre, ATB, Antiloop
    Similar Artists
    Aphex Twin, Cylob, ATB, Skinny Puppy, Front Line Assembly, various dance acts
    Artist History
    If you want to go WAY back, I originally started making tracks on my Commodore 64 when I was around 5 or 6 (same time I started programming). I also had one of those shitty little Casio units with the pre-built beats and only 4 synth timbres -- then again, what kid didn't have one of those? Umm, next would be the recorder and ukelele in elementary school (still have them! well, the uke's my brothers). Then in junior high, violin and trumpet. Towards the end of junior high, I discovered MODs (and XMs, S3Ms, ITs, etc). So it wasn't long till I started creating my own. After MODs, I moved on to SoftSynths (ReBirth, FruityLoops, etc). As for now, I use SoftSynths, sample CDs, my drum machine, acoustic guitar, gear that I borrow (or sample) from friends, and anything else I can find.
    Group Members
    Joshua Darrell
    Computer, Guitar (acoustic, electric), Drums & Drum Machines, Synths, Ukelele, Recorder, Toys, Cats, Appliances, etc.
    Ohm Is Where The Art Is (in progress)
    Additional Info
    Wopsul Flood (single, in progress)
    Saint John, New Brunswick - Canada

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